
Sora waved his hand and punched forward. A simple punch forward, straight and forward. There was no trick to it or even a change, a simple punch every beginner in either martial arts or boxing learns.

After 1,000 strikes of the fist, Sora moved onto the palm strikes, then the finger strikes, claw strikes, etc. All throughout the night, Sora continued to repeat and train the basic moves. Without rest or sleep, Sora worked hard. Luckily with his meditation, Sora can rapidly recover from mental fatigue.

"This should be enough for now…" Sora muttered as he wiped the sweat off his body.

The days, weeks and months continued to pass.

Everyone lived their lives calmly. Sora was visited once a week for an entire year by Toga, his mother, and surprisingly even Tamaki and Nejire.

It was calm and Sora spent all these days training arduously and speaking with Kaina.

Whilst all this happened to Sora, a particular youth had entered U.A. and entered Class 1-A with a peculiar group of students. Everyone's quirks were diverse and very strong.

They attended school, fought, and trained under the teaching of none other than the legendary hero All Might, the Symbol of Peace.

"Wow! Specialized Rescue Training! Amazing…"

Standing outside the huge building named Unforseen Simulation Joint, the new Class 1-A will be training here.

"Shut up Deku!"

Stepping outside of the school bus, a blonde haired boy yelled at another student with green hair.


Stepping to the side timidly, Midoriya Izuku, looked at the blonde boy, Bakugo Katauki,with his hands raised to his chest. He looked at Katsuki walk away before sighing in relief.


Standing beside Izuku, is a tall boy with glasses and a serious air about him. He waved his hands at him and in all seriousness, he said, "You need to line up!"

"Ahaha…" Izuku laughed nervously and nodded before joining one of his friends, a cute girl with her hair in a bob cut. "Tenya seems pretty tense today."

The girl nodded with a smile, "It's our first field trip with him as the Class President. He's probably tense about that."

"You're right Uraraka!" Izuku nodded with a smile before turning to look at the rest of his classmates.

They gathered together under the leadership of their Class President and friend, Tenya Iida. All together, they entered the building and met up with the other teacher they will be studying under, the Space Hero: Thirteen. Of course, not just with her, but with another hero, Eraser Head, Aizawa.

However, things didn't go as they had planned.

Right before everyone, at the center of the building, a dark fog erupted. One that Sora is all too familiar with. It spread and a malignant voice along with laughter spread outward from the fog.


Aizawa frowned and looked at the students standing behind him. He couldn't let them enter the danger that the villains posed, but before he could act and do anything, every student was wrapped in a dark and purplish fog before suddenly being transported elsewhere.

Then, everything rolled from there.

The students were pulled into a fight against villains. Yet the villains that were brought were all second rate weak villains and the students were all those with strong quirks. The ball rolled and the students started winning against those villains.

The villains lost, but among them, the true menace were three main figures. A young man with hands covering his body, a figure made of dark fog, and finally… a tall and muscular humanoid monster with dark black skin covered in scars, its brain exposed and a beak-like mask over its mouth.

A nomu.

Just when the heroes were winning, they began losing. Aizawa was beaten by the nomu, thrashed and beaten to the ground.

Midoriya sought to help Aizawa, but it didn't go well. Finally, when they all thought that their loss was eminent, a figure appeared.

His figure tall and broad, muscular and standing as straight as a spear, his expression serious.

All Might!

Every student cheered in their hearts.


"He was right."

Reading the report in his hands, a tired faced cop frowned.

U.A.'s Class 1-A has fought against the League of Villains. Yet what the cop was focusing on wasn't Class 1-A or the League of Villains, but one particular figure. He dropped the paper in his hand looked up.

Sitting right before him quietly, is the same nomu that appeared in the U.S.J. incident.

This was who Sora was talking about. The nomu's.

That day Sora was arrested, he told him that there is someone creating artificial humans. Using corpses to create these abominations that carry more than one quirks. Especially quirks from villains and people who had gone missing in the past.

At first, the cop believed that Sora had been lying, but it made him wonder as well. There had been reports before of grave robberies and people disappearing in times of disasters.

It made him wonder if Sora was telling the truth. And now, the evidence was right before him.

Now that it had come true, he needed help.

Picking up his phone, the cop called someone.

"I need your help."


Striking the air with his palm, Sora was training as hard as always. Practicing his Basic Strike Technique to the best of his ability.

Palm after palm, Sora struck the air. He sought performing the move perfectly and hardly used any strength in performing his strikes. As he trained, he slowly came to a stop as he turned to the door.

"It's finally time… a bit earlier than I expected," muttered Sora as he wiped his body clean from sweat and freshened himself up.

Once he was done, there was a knock on his door.

"Inmate, your going free."

Opening the door to his cell, Shig's looked at Sora with a weird look on his face. It was like he had eaten a whole pile of shit. He had once told Sora that he would never be able to leave Tartarus, yet here he was now, personally opening the door and giving Sora the news of his freedom.

Gritting his teeth, he stepped to the side as Sora stepped out of his cell and walked ahead.

"Damn… just what did he do?" Shig's muttered, wondering what Sora had done to get himself out of here.

But he couldn't say anything anymore, it was a done deal already.

Arriving at the front office, Sora stretched his body and grinned widely.

"My clothes, where's my clothes?" Sora asked the guard nearest to him.

"A-ah! I-it's here…" the guard said, a little stunned as he looked at Sora.

He passed Sora a bag with clothes and shoes in them, which Sora grabbed. He pulled out his clothes from the bag and instantly smelled the faint odor on them. He chuckled and shook his head before walking away.

The faint smell on his clothes was that of ash and various other smells. Tartarus had attempted on burning his clothes, but it didn't seem like things went like how they thought when the clothes didn't just burn down. When it was reduced to ash, it would suddenly reconstruct itself after a couple of hours.

Just as Sora was heading out of Tartarus, a figure ran at him from behind.

"Wait sir! Th-those shackles! We need to remove them!"

"These things?" Sora smirked and pointed at the weighted restraints on his body. "There's no need for that, but since this is the property of the police, I might as well return it to you guys."

Then, under the stunned and horrified expressions of the guards, they saw Sora rip the restraints off his body like it was nothing. He tossed them to the side and they watched as they collided with the floor and created a deep pit.


"What a monster!"

"Holy shit, how strong is he?"

Every guard couldn't help but voice out their thoughts at Sora's actions and the restraints on the ground. Before they could react any further, Sora ripped the Inhibitor off his neck and they watched as he walked away.

When Sora was finally gone, they all had one thought.


All of them had come to that conclusion after realizing that Sora could have removed those restraints whenever. He could have easily killed many of them and it would take loads of manpower to restrain and kill him.

Luckily, such problems had never occurred.

Stepping out of Tartarus and smelling the fresh air, Sora spread his arms and looked up at the bright blue sky.

"Ah! Such nice air… don't you think so, Mr. #1?"

Turning to the side, Sora looked at the buff man that had been standing there for quite a while. Wearing 'civilian' clothing, All Might was looking at Sora with a vigilant gaze but with a wide smile. Next to All Might is the cop with a tired gaze.

Looking at the muscular man, Sora felt his heart beat faster as his thirst to fight him rose. It was all too common, something born from fighting martial art masters in his past life. Over 40% of the fights he had were to the death as well, but that didn't stop Sora from growing fond of fighting and finding out how skilled and strong he was compared to others.

"Ahem… yes, hello there."

All Might awkwardly said his greeting after the dramatic greeting he had planned was ruined by Sora. He scratched his cheek and turned to the tired face cop.

"Mr. Akanabe-"

"Sora. My father is Mr. Akanabe," Sora said with a smiling face.

The tired face cop nodded and didn't question it as he continued.

"Sora… we would like to hear more about these artificial humans you have talked about."

All Might nodded.

"Especially about how they have… multiple quirks."

Sora's gaze flickered as he moved from the tired face cop to All Might. That faint air of anger and desire to kill had seeped out of All Might and Sora caught onto it a bit too easily.

Narrowing his gaze on All Might, Sora nodded.

"Let's get going, but first… could I leave a message for someone here."

The tired face cop nodded and let Sora grab a piece of paper from his notepad and pen. He watched him write in the paper and then pass it to a guard standing outside of Tartarus.

"Give this to Kaina. Tell her I have to help the heroes with something and that I hope to see her continue to brighten the world up."

Sora chuckled and returned to All Might and the tired face cop. He followed them to the cop's personal vehicle and before they got in, Sora asked them to wait.

"Huh? What for?" All Might asked curiously.

Gesturing to his own clothes, Sora shook his head.

"I can't go anywhere dressed like this, what will my mother say?"

Which is quite rhetorical, his mother wouldn't say anything. At best, she might say that he has a bad boy air to him. Still, it proved useful as All Might and the cop agreed to let Sora change, yet unexpectedly, he did it right in front of them.

Without a care in the world, Sora ripped the Tartarus prisoner uniform and shoes, revealing his naked and lean muscular body. He took his time in wearing his martial clothes that was in his bag whilst All Might stood there nervously and ashamed.

The cop on the other hand simply turned away and shook his head.

With his martial clothes on, Sora followed them into the car and sat down.

'That was no snake… that was a one-eyed dragon!'

All Might sat in the front passenger seat with a pale face. He couldn't even compare himself, ashamed that the difference was so big.

Entering the nearest city, the tired face man took them to a coffee shop where he entered with All Might and Sora to grab some simple drinks.

Sitting at a table with their drinks, the tired face cop looked at Sora with a careful gaze. Even All Might looked at Sora with a serious look on his face. Anything from earlier had already faded as they focused on serious matters.

"Alright, like I had promised. I brought you out of prison and you will be under surveillance for 10 years before you can be declared 'free'. Now…

How do you about these artificial humans?"

The tired face began with a simple question, to which Sora answered. He told them about the night he had been attacked by a nomu that had a fire breath quirk and was fixated on taking him.

"… the only value I have that could warrant anyone being after me is my Quirk. I survived a terrible fire and explosion that would leave many dead. Yet here I am, alive and standing well as if nothing had ever happened."