Stronger Blood

Sora continued to look at Hagakure Toru and the blush on her face as she looked up at him with teary eyes and a red face.


Turning his head away with a tiny blush, Sora waved at everyone and turned to leave. He looked at Toru and spoke to her.

"Talk to me if you want me to create some clothing for you."

Then, Sora walked away and left.

Everyone in Class 1-A stood there, stunned. They were questioning everything that had just happened. Looking at each other, they just couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation.


Appearing behind everyone with a loud laugh, All Might scared many of the students. His booming laugh and wide smile eased them up a lot, however.

"Looks like you have all met the school's new guard! Don't be deceived by how he looks, but that young man is almost as strong as me and only two years older than you all," All Might explained.

"But All Might, that's a villain!"

"Ahem!" All Might blushed and nodded. "That was a misunderstanding. Now, I hope you can all apologize for this wrongful attack on him. If you'll excuse me, I will go talk with him!"

"Young man! Great to see you've accepted the job!"

All Might followed Sora and arrived before him. His smile wide and his eyes hidden in the shadows of his eyebrows and bright grin.

"All Might, you're looking even worse than last time I saw you," Sora suddenly commented. Either it was his imagination or not, but the pressure that All Might gave him a couple of days before was higher than it was now.


Stopping in his tracks in shock, he shook his head. With a nervous laughter, All Might moved in his suit awkwardly.

"Hahahahaha! Th-there's no way! Haha!"

Sora furrowed his eyebrows and believed All Might could be lying, but he recalled something. It wasn't All Might who had become weaker in these couple of days, but him who had finally begun advancing in strength again.

Still, the way that All Might is reacting definitely means something.

Narrowing his eyes, Sora asked, "All Might, are you sick? Or are you suffering from an injury?"

"Nonsense! I'm as strong as ever!"

All Might smiled and began to flex his muscles in various poses, hoping to convince Sora. Yet at such a moment, Sora would hardly believe All Might the more he attempted to cover up his secret.

"Keep your secrets All Might. If you ever need help, I know someone who can help."

Sora continued walking and All Might remained in place. He looked at Sora's back, quietly mulling over various thoughts. Turning his head, All Might walked away, the smile still wide on his face despite whatever he was thinking.

Since he already visited Class 1-A, visiting his old friends was next.

At this time, they should also be training in the third year's training fields. Compared to the first year's training grounds, the third year's training ground was much larger and filled with many more obstacles.

Soon, Sora found a familiar figure before he arrived at the third year's training grounds. A flushed face, breathing heavy, covered in sweat and their eyes hazily looking around nervously.

"Tamaki, taking a little break?"

Sora appeared before Tamaki with a smirk on his face.

"Ah… Sora?!"

Tamaki had looked at Sora in a daze before widening his eyes in shock. He couldn't believe it, he almost thought he was hallucinating. Wiping the sweat away, Tamaki grinned.

"What are you doing here?" Tamaki asked, surprise audible in his voice.

"Work. I got hired as a guard for U.A."

"That's amazing, Nejire will be very happy about this."

"She might be shocked at first seeing me here."

Tamaki nodded with a smile on his face.

Talking together, Tamaki talked about everything he and Nejire did last year. From going on patrol with the heroes and doing hero work. It was a productive year, and they had grown considerably in strength.

Sora could visibly see that Tamaki was a bit more muscular as well. He must have trained hard to reach his current level of strength.


Tamaki called out to Nejire as he and Sora arrived at the third year's training grounds. Right now, Nejire was flying in the air by using her Quirk and was constantly shooting out wave energy in strong bursts.

She heard Tamaki call to her and stopped using her quirk before turning to look at him. Yet as she did so, her eyes instantly locked onto the figure next to him. Her eyes shone and she instantly darted at the figure.

"Sora! Hahaha! It's been so long!!" Nejire yelled as she hugged Sora tightly after crashing into him.

"Hey! How've you been?"

Sora returned the hug and rubbed her back.

Nejire smiled brightly.

"I've been great! And now? Even better with you here!" Nejire said enthusiastically. "Did they release you?"

Sora nodded.

"And~ I was offered a job here at U.A. as a guard."

"A guard? But U.A. had never needed one before…"

Smiling, Sora placed a finger on Nejire's full lips and winked at her. As if understanding, Nejire nodded and kept quiet.

Looking around, Sora asked, "Where's Mirio?"

"He's been training…"

"He hardly smiles anymore."

"I'm worried about him."

Hearing them, Sora frowned a little.

'Mirio… why are you doing this?'

"He's strong." Sora said. "I'm sure he's just going over something right now. But, if it calms you both, I will talk with him."

Both of them smiled at Sora's words and they were visibly relieved. Nejire even stepped forward and hugged him, to which he returned happily.

His eyes turned and Sora noticed Mirio standing far away. He appeared sad as he watched Nejire hug Sora. His eyebrows were squished together, and his frown was heavy. Then, his eyes locked onto Sora's, it remained sad, but he suddenly changed. His eyes turned fierce, and he walked away angrily.

'Strange…' thought Sora after seeing Mirio.

Mirio's actions were strange, like he had been incited by something. He definitely wasn't mad at him, Sora felt no hostility from Mirio when he was being looked at. It was sudden when he got mad, and it was also sudden when a burst of negative emotions came from him.

Frowning, Sora simply waited.

The day came to an end, Sora talked with Nejire and Tamaki. He even went off to find Mirio, but strangely enough, he had disappeared from school. Sora could only return to guard the school and Class 1-A.

Returning home, Sora went into his underground base. He needed to do something and find out many things.

For example…

Drawing out blood, Sora placed it under a microscope. It had been an entire year since the last time he had checked his blood cells. He needed to see what was going on and what was causing his blood to change.

Tapping the table with his index finger, Sora looked at his blood.

After a whole year of only training in the Great Body Forging Technique, he found a couple of his blood cells were a couple shades lighter. One in particular was lighter than the rest.

It was a light pink color, on the verge of turning white.

"What does this mean…" Sora asked himself, confused. Even with his monstrous comprehension, something as inexplicable as this was slightly impossible.

Was he turning into another life form?

Was his blood becoming stronger?

Is it related to his vitality?

Sora had more questions the more he thought about his blood. Should he pursue it? How should he speed up the whitening process of his blood?

Sitting down on the ground and crossing his legs, Sora got into a meditative state. Clearing his mind, he had only his blood and the Great Body Forging Technique in his mind. His mind moved and his thoughts multiplied at the speed of light.

Soon, he came to a single thought.

'Let's do it.'

But doing it wasn't too simple. He had figured out how to speed up the process of making his blood whiten, but the process was long and tedious. Luckily, he created a technique and made the necessary calculations and alternatives.

The first thing he had to do was to gather large amounts of blood and condense it until it forms the complete white blood cells his body is trying to form. Yet his own blood won't work. It would be like drawing out a cup of water from a jar and then putting it back in when it is frozen.

When he draws out his blood, the different blood cells are lost forever. Even if his body regenerates his blood, it will only be normal blood.

Hence the drawing water from a jar analogy.

Instead, he can use the blood of others to accomplish this. Despite the way it sounds, Sora won't be going around stealing blood or killing people just for the sake of the idea.

Or could he?

Smiling, Sora thought of the villains. The people they had hurt and killed; Sora could put them to good use. The strange thing was, he could only draw blood from a person once. Any more and it wouldn't really help at all.

Either draw blood from the villains until they become anemic or draw it until they die.

There was also another way to get it from the people. With hurting anyone or getting into trouble of any kind.


Sora clapped his hands, and a liquid seemed to form straight from the ground as it rose up into a round form. It was the nanomachines that had turned into the form of a Slime ball.

Looking at them, Sora smiled and gave them an order.

"Go around the world and collect all the blood you can! Animals and people alike! Multiply if you have to, return here once your job is complete."

Waving his hands, the Slime dissolved into millions of mosquitoes and disappeared. For the mosquitoes to travel around the world and come back with gallons and gallons of blood, it will take a while. In the meantime, Sora will try to gather blood here.

Everything went smoothly for the next couple is days during Sora's time as the school's guard. A couple weeks go by and the students are sent off to their 'internships'.

Since all students will be under a pro hero, Sora wasn't required to guard them. In the meantime, he stayed at the school and strolled around.

"A guard's job is so easyyy~," Nejire groaned as she twisted her tired body on Sora's back.

Sora rolled his eyes, a playful smirk pulling on his lips.

"Would you like to join me then?"

Nejire paused, getting off his back and joining him on the bench. She had a smile on her face, excited.

"Yes! Let's go officer!" Nejire grabbed at Sora's hand and tugged at him.

Chuckling, Sora followed along.

She skipped as she walked alongside Sora, patrolling the school and keeping an eye out. She was all smiles next to Sora.

"Do you miss Class 1-A? You visited them a lot a couple of days ago when they were still here."

"Some of them. Although, a grape is better missed than wanted."

"A grape?"

"You will understand later when you see them."

As they walked and skipped, Nejire turned her gaze into Sora. A curious look in her eyes and wide smile.

"Do you have someone you like, Sora? Like… romantically," Nejire asked.

Sora paused for a second, and casted Nejire a look.

Did he like anyone romantically? It was hard to say. He's grown closer everyone and has developed a lover's relationship with his mother and Toga, but he technically didn't like them romantically.

Or at least yet.

Still, there were a few he was developing feelings for. A couple is the girls from Class 1-A, some of the Pro Heroes, and…

Sora looked at Nejire's eager face that wanted to know his love interests.