
After putting away his lunch, Sora walked around school, wondering if he would find Mirio anywhere. Yet after walking for quite a bit, Sora didn't find him anywhere. He had to look for different methods of searching for him.

If he's not at school, there is a large chance he wouldn't be at his own home either. At that point, Sora simply sent out an order to his mosquitoes to look for Mirio.

Within just a couple of minutes, Sora found Mirio's location.

Looking at his watch, Sora realized that there was still time for him before the end of school. He sent a message to Principal Nezu that he will be walking out and will be back later. Reassuring him that Eve will be there to take care of anything, Sora left U.A. to search for Mirio.

The mosquito that had found Mirio was at an abandoned storage building located not too far away from the city. Just a simple sprint of ten minutes and Sora had arrived at the abandoned building.

Careful, Sora kept quiet and silently explored the outside of the abandoned building before entering. He checked and made sure that there was no one here before continuing forward. Forcing his senses to the max, Sora could hear everything clearly and see anything with pristine clarity.

Usually, he would dull them in order to not get drowned by the loud sounds and visionary details.


Sora heard the sound of soft breaths and a calm and relaxed beating heart. Usually signs of someone sleeping.

Moving more boldly, Sora followed the sounds of the breathing and soon found a blonde boy laying on the ground and sleeping on the floor. His clothes were dirty and torn, the blonde hair appeared dirty and Mirio's skin was also covered in dirt and grime.

Frowning, Sora approached Mirio and looked at him closely.

Sora looked at Mirio's face and noticed his furrowed eyebrows and sad expression.

Without hesitation, Sora reached his hand out and pressed it on Mirio's shoulder and lightly nudged him, stirring him awake.

"Mirio." Sora called out.

Moving his head, Mirio opened his eyes slowly and turned to look at Sora. His eyes were filled with confusion before joy filled his eyes.

"Sora!" Mirio called out happily, but he suddenly grew depressed. His expression fell and he simply exuded a sad air. "Sora… I'm sorry."

Looking at Mirio, Sora grew confused. What was going on with Mirio? Was he not angry with him or wrathful? Why was he now all normal…

"It's fine Mirio. Come… let's get out of here, bud," Sora said as he smiled and stood up. He stretched out his hand and beckoned to Mirio, asking him to grab onto his hand. Mirio kept his head down, however.

He bit his lips and tears formed at the corner of his eyes.

"Sora… I'm losing my mind. I… I don't feel like myself…" Mirio spoke up, tears threatening to stream down his face. He was afraid and he was very worried.

To lose consciousness and always find yourself somewhere else doing something else, it was scary. Especially when you find out that you've been gone for days or weeks. He would black out and wake up elsewhere and not know anything.

What should he do?



Suddenly, before Sora could say anything, Mirio clutched his head in pain as he slipped through the ground and disappeared, but not before his eyes looked at Sora with a manic anger.


Sora yelled in anger.

He banged the floor, causing it to crack and a pit to form.

He wasn't angry at Mirio, but at the people, or person, controlling him. Mirio is a simple boy who simply seeks for everyone to be happy, why is something like this happening to him? Joy is his motto, it's why he always makes people laugh and why he himself is always smiling. Yet he was now being tormented by an unknown force.

It infuriated Sora.

Sending out an order, Sora had his mosquitoes search for Mirio. Yet even after many minutes, and an entire hour, Mirio could no longer be found. Either he was somewhere else on Earth, or he was hiding with his permeation quirk.

"I'll bring you back Mirio," Sora promised as he returned to school.

He calmed himself and cleared his mind, returning to a tranquil state. There was no use in worrying about anything, it was better to grow stronger and come up with plans and wait for the right moment. Nejire couldn't know what is happening to Mirio, if she knew, she would go out and start searching for him herself.

Resuming his work, school soon came to an end and Sora went to get the four girls he wanted to train.

"Sora! We're ready!"

At the gate entrance of U.A., Sora found Toru, Momo, Ochaco, and Mina waiting at the entrance. They had smiles on their faces and were talking with each other until they noticed Sora.

Waving at him, they approached him with giggles.

"Alright, let's go train!"

"Let's pass by the store for some snacks!"

"I'll buy some drinks!"

"I'll bring the fun!"

The girls all laughed and talked with each other as they followed behind Sora. Thinking of having fun whilst deciding to train with Sora.

He didn't mind it either, the training shouldn't take long if they manage to perform the moves at once. They might mess up and dislocate something, but he was there to help guide them through it.

Momo felt a little awkward, turning to look at Sora and wondering if it was fine to buy stuff. Seeing how he didn't say anything, Momo let out a breath of relief.

She turned to look at Mina and the rest and nodded her head, agreeing with them. Ochaco simply smiled happily, enjoying the moment of hanging out with friends and the opportunity to grow stronger.

Then there was Mina, who liked to have fun and found the opportunity to do it whilst getting strong and hanging with her friends. As well as her new friend Sora.

Lastly, Toru, who was simply happy to be with her friends, Sora was curious about Sora and how he is able to see her.

"Let's stop by here. I'll buy some ingredients to make some delicious food," Sora said as he led them to a grocery store.


The girls smiled and followed Sora into the store before they both separated and went off on their own. Sora walked around quietly, heading to the vegetable section whilst the girls went off to get some snacks and drinks.

'Hmm… There are no white onions at home… I need to stock up on some,' thought Sora as he grabbed a couple of them and placed them within a small bag.

Looking up from the onions, Sora saw Mina walking around curiously. She looked left and right, searching for something. When her eyes landed on Sora who was standing at the vegetable section of the store, her eyes lit up. With a wide smile, she walked over to him happily.

"Are you going to get some tomatoes?" she asked as soon as she got next to him.

"Yeah, do you like them?"

"I do, not alone though," Mina responded, happily grabbing a couple of red and firm tomatoes.

Sora chuckled and talked with her as he grabbed a couple of more vegetables, some for the meal and others to simply restock.

"What are you going to make?"

"Some simply curry with rice," Sora responded.

"Mm! Is it spicy?"

"No, would you like me to make spicy curry? I can make some just for you," Sora offered.

"Really?! Yeah!"

Mina jumped excitedly and latched herself onto Sora. She held onto him and didn't let go as she laid on his back. Sora walked around with her on him and didn't place her down. He grabbed his stuff whilst Mina smiled happily on his back.

Walking around, he met up with the other girls who blushed and giggled at Mina's actions. Toru seemed to want to do the same as she also joined Mina on Sora's back. They gathered the items together and paid for the items before heading straight to Sora's house.

"I'll put them inside and have them placed in bowls before bringing them out," Sora said as he led them into his family's home,

"We can help!"

The girls instantly offered their help as they grabbed some items off of Sora's hands and entered the kitchen. Whilst Momo and Ochaco organized the vegetables and placed them where they needed to go, Mina and Toru grabbed some cups and bowls before dumping the snacks within bowls.

"Your family should join us, Sora!" Ochaco suddenly mentioned after placing away the vegetables. Momo smiled and agreed as well.

Sora shook his head however, knowing his mother or Toga wouldn't like to join them right now. His mother didn't like talking with too many people and she had work to deal with. Toga on the other hand was out hanging out with her friends at the mall and trying to enjoy her new life.

"As long as we save some for them, they will be fine," Sora mentioned after thinking for a while.

Ochaco nodded her head, her short hair bobbing up and down. She had a serious expression on her face as she set aside some snacks and drinks before smiling at Sora triumphantly.

"There! Let's get to training!"

With Ochaco's words, the other girls smiled and grabbed the chips and drinks before hauling them out to the backyard. They set them on a small table where his mother used to spend her time eating whilst he worked out and trained.

They placed the items on the table and followed Sora over to the grass and stood together in line. Far enough that their fingers won't touch if they stretch their hands out. Their attention was on Sora, and they made sure not to miss a single detail.

Nodding at their attention, Sora removed his shirt and pants, instantly gaining some gasps and yelps of surprise and embarrassment.


"Sora! What are you doing?!"

"He's getting naked!"


Yet as they continued to look between their fingers, they noticed Sora was wearing tight stretchy black shorts and a tight black short-sleeved shirt. It was something he slipped under his clothes whilst the girls were preparing the snacks and drinks.

"I am wearing this outfit so that you can see exactly the motions I will be doing," Sora said as he lied to them with a smile. He looked them in the eyes and noticed how they looked at his lean body and the package between his legs that can't be hidden.


All of them thought at the same time as curiosity and shame filled their minds.

The girls numbly nodded, and Sora began a short explanation as he began moving his body. His movements were smooth and fluid, something that took him years to accomplish.

"This training method of mine is called Ruthless Stretch. It unearths your body's potential and strengthens your body," Sora explained, changing the name of the technique for the four girls. Aside from the name change, the technique was also simplified, making it easier for them.

It also meant that the results would be slower than his own, but if they reach a good level, he might teach them the true Great Body Forging Technique.

Sora smiled and finally completed the entire simplified technique before looking at the four girls. Their faces turned red, and their bodies began trembling as they began training in the technique. In the instant they began training in the technique, they could feel their body's already groaning in response.

Nodding, Sora appreciated the fact that none of them had given up just yet.

He placed his hands behind his back and walked around, looking at their stances and stretches, making sure they were performing them properly. Doing it improperly could hurt them after all.