Planet Roca | Hyper Geno Arts

At Planet Roca, inside a small apartment, a 16 year old boy was sweating heavily in bed. His skin pale and his brown eyes losing focus at every second.

His breathing was slow and labored, he looked up at the ceiling unwillingly before drawing his last breath.

Today, a young man had lost his life due to a terrible injury he had suffered inside of God's Sanctuary.

A place where one can grow stronger and attain a better life than what they currently live. By eating the creatures there, one can improve their genes and their strength would grow accordingly. Killing a creature, or landing the last bow before it's death, grants creature souls that provide support in various forms in God's Sanctuary.

Swords, spears, armor, mounts… creature souls came in numerous forms and different types of aid.

Some enter to explore a new world, others to grow stronger, and others that wish for a better life or social status.

In such a world, a poor orphan like this young man had no one who could provide support. He was attacked by the weakest of creatures and suffered an injury that he couldn't heal.

The medicines he bought were ineffective and it was already too late for him to call for help. Death called at him and he begrudgingly accepted the call.

Now, he lay lifeless in his small apartment.

Yet at that moment, a silver hook tore through the space within the room. With a ripple, a body descended down the silk string the silver hook was on. Stepping onto the floor, a naked young man with golden eyes and stunning good looks appeared.

Turning to look at the dead boy, Heaven stepped forward and took a deep look at the dead body before him. He silently prayed for a second before stepping forward.

The body was still fresh, so the problem he had run into before won't happen again.

Turning his head, Heaven saw the hook in the air disappear with a ripple. His gaze returned to the dead body before stepping forward and knowing what he had to do.

He couldn't just leave a dead body here and only take a single drop of blood, so he decided to take the entire body. Touching it, Heaven watched as his body absorbed the body before him and began to assimilate itself to this new reality.

His body was in an empty state, made of Blood Qi and inner force that was barely sticking together. He needed a drop of blood, or in this case an entire body, to give his empty body a framework, bloodline, and anchor to the world.

Without the anchor, his body won't belong to a reality and simply be rejected. The same went for his body's framework and bloodline, without the drop of blood, his body won't be able to hold itself together.

Bloodline was simply for what his body would morph into, a beast, a human, a demon, etc. The body framework is what would truly hold together his flesh and energy, giving it a structure that is formed from the very genes and cells.

Closing his eyes, Heaven let the blood change his body and grant him the genes and body framework of this boy and the humans of this reality. Instantly, he could feel his body changing, every gene changed and seemed to grow imbalanced. Heaven could feel like his body was falling apart, able to suddenly disappear with this crazy arrangement of different and incompatible genes.

Within that crazy array of genes that appeared out of balance and could collapse at any moment, there was a small strange balance keeping them together.

The change didn't just stop at his body and genes, but went deeper into his mind and soul. This change strengthened the connection to his body and it was now like he had been born with this new body in this world. They were chained together, unbreakable and permanently attached to each other.

He felt his empty body changing in response to the absorbed body and finally ending after a couple of minutes. He was now like an authentic inhabitant of this reality, his age even regressed to when he was a teenager. Much like the dead boy's age, 16 years old.

Once the entire body was absorbed, Heaven received a portion of memories. He understood where he was, the method to grow stronger, and how this world works.

Now, this body was his real body after he lost connection to Paradise. His spirit was in this body, and he was ready to increase his strength.

His strength had fallen to the level of that of a normal person and his powers all disappeared. Just what he was looking for on his search to gather abilities, powers, and many other things from various realities. To strengthen himself and become an unstoppable existence.

Every one of these things will aid him in growing stronger.

He still maintained his foundation of knowledge, able to help him adapt and improve whatever he learns.

He was greedy, wanting to gather the knowledge of every world he travels to in the future. However, he couldn't have the previous knowledge and techniques 'pollute' this new knowledge until he has a complete grasp over it.

Turning his head, Heaven found a small watch on the table next to the bed. It was the boy's personal comlink, which he got from the Alliance's financial support program for the less fortunate.

Grabbing the comlink, Heaven slapped it on his wrist.

A comlink is like a phone, but made more personal and advanced. With a video projection system made for video chats and public view of videos and what not. It contained one's identification, personal details, and was basically one's 'papers' of citizenship within the Alliance.

The Alliance was the government of this reality, the unification of various countries and worlds. Every Human united under a single power.

Using his tech knowledge, Heaven hacked into the comlink and into the Alliance before changing the information of the dead boy. From name to profile picture in order to make it seem like Heaven has always been a part of this world.

Just before Heaven hit enter, he looked at his name.

Heaven erased the name and ID established on the comlink and placed another one.

Long Tian

Long meaning Dragon, and Tian meaning Heaven.

The name was not only overbearing, but it contained Heaven's childishness. Smiling, he satisfyingly nodded his head.

Hitting 'Enter', Heaven, or rather Long Tian, had now established his identity in this new reality.

"God's Sanctuary… time to see this place…"

Heaven exited the apartment and locked the place with his new comlink before heading to the train station.

From the memories of the young boy, a hundred years ago humans finally mastered space technology. Creating these teleportation pads, humans were teleported elsewhere, but shockingly, not to their desired locations. Neither the past or the future, or even to another planet.

Instead, they were transported into God's Sanctuary, where technology lost all its power. Guns, nuclear weapons and any form of hot weapons held no significance here in this strange world. Only cold weapons held power and the era of martial arts and cold weapons was on the rise once more after thousands of years of advanced technology.

Here, creatures and animals of strange mixes and ancestry existed here. Their strength is monstrous and their ferocity even more so.

This place was known as God's Sanctuary.

He arrived at the teleport station that led to God's Sanctuary that was under the control of the Alliance's military. Standing there, Heaven looked at the building in amazement.

Entering the teleport station, Long Tian's comlink was scanned and registered. A green light flashed and he was allowed entry to the station. With bright eyes, Long Tian's golden eyes scanned the place in mild excitement.

The instant Long Tian took a step into the station, his mind buzzed. His natural instinct as a martial artist told him of many skilled and strong people near him.

Looking around with his golden eyes, he could see many strong people.

He could simply tell, by their expressions, manners, breathing, movements, walking pace… with his comprehension and perceptive eyes, he could see it all. They were all strong, or mostly were.

What disappointed him however, was that most weren't too skilled in martial arts. At best, they would be in the fluent realm.

Scoffing, Long Tian was disappointed in the lack of skilled people here.

Listening to their rate of breathing and their patterns, he discovered that they were all practicing peculiar martial arts.

Or at least that's what it felt to Long Tian.

What these people were practicing were Hyper Geno Arts.

When God's Sanctuary was discovered, researchers and explorers of God's Sanctuary alike had discovered that although technology and science was useless, ancient martial arts played an important role.

The main role of ancient martial arts within God's Sanctuaey, was the grand effect of stimulating and drawing out the potential of one's genes, offering incredible power to humanity.

As the people gain geno points, they were able to perform mythical ancient martial arts. Causing amazing phenomena and mystical effects in the real world. Their practice of ancient martial arts causing mythical effects wasn't born from Qi, but rather from the power of their genes.

These mythical ancient martial arts were gradually developed to harness the power of genes and they became known as—

Hyper Geno Arts

As genes improved through the consumption of creature flesh, the power of these hyper geno arts increased. They were mysterious and their source, ancient martial arts even more so.

Due to their potential and mystery in the face of science, hyper geno arts and their practice is mostly monopolized by the upper class. The more advance a hyper geno art was, the least accessible it was.

The other, and only, place one could get access to these hyper geno arts, isthrough Saint Hall. A place where renowned martial artists and scientists can sell, buy and research Hyper Geno Arts.

Turning his head away, Long Tian left that matter for another day. He had no money and couldn't buy any of the Hyper Geno Arts, not even the weak ones. At best, he can only learn basic martial arts and not even the ancient or hyper geno arts.

At least until he gets stronger.

Aside from the people and the teleportation pads, there wasn't much else for Long Tian to study or marvel at. Now, all he had to do was enter the teleportation pad and head into God's Sanctuary.


Yet before Long Tian could step into one of the many teleportation pads, he was stopped. An authoritative voice echoed and Long Tian stopped, sensing it was directed at him.

Turning, Long Tian saw a stunning woman in uniform walking over to him. Her gaze was fierce and her steps were quick.

As she walked to him, Long Tian looked at her amazing figure. The woman is tall and she had an ample bosom, her waist thin, and her behind full and springy. Pairing well with her figure, the woman had long and slim legs.

"Where do you think you are going like that? Are you trying to commit suicide?" Frowning, the woman stepped up to Long Tian and stood before him, her eyes boring down on him.

Long Tian was confused for a second before realizing what was occurring.

"I don't have the money to buy any equipment or weapons," Long Tian responded with an honest face. His eyes staring back at the woman unafraid.

Hearing Long Tian's response, the woman's eyes softened a bit and she sighed.

"Come with me."