The singing continued by his ears, but even covering his ears with his hands did nothing, the bizarre changes in his body kept evolving, his hands now resembled those of gout patients—deformed and swollen.
Charles struggled to stand and looked around, then dashed to the cupboard in the hallway and immediately picked up two pieces of silverware, grabbing the Black Blade, he swiftly turned them into sharp silver spikes.
After taking a deep breath, Charles, holding the spikes, fiercely stabbed them into his ears.
Piercing his eardrums, the unbearable stabbing pain brought Charles to his knees, but a hint of relief showed on his face hidden behind the mask—the singing stopped, and the bizarre changes to his body halted as well.
Peeling off the moss that had grown out of his skin, Charles continued moving forward.
The crisis was temporarily averted, but it was easy for the giant ship to come in but difficult to get out, with its various hallways and rooms, Charles was completely dizzy.
"Should I just blow up the wall? But would the explosion attract those two?"
As he hesitated, he suddenly stopped, his gaze glued to a door plate from which he couldn't look away. Captain's Room
Charles practically didn't think and just pushed the door open—if there was a sea chart likely to be anywhere, it had to be here!
As the door opened, the small girl from before was swinging her legs sitting atop a huge desk, her fierce mouth singing something.
The extreme danger didn't stop Charles from looking at the wall, it was a sea chart, a sea chart that included much more area than the ordinary one!!
Charles threw his hand, sending the Black Blade flying towards the little girl while he dashed towards the sea chart.
Getting closer let Charles see even more details on the sea chart, just as he rapidly memorized it, the Black Blade flew back, striking him directly in the face.
Blood flooded Charles's eyes, forcing him to stop his observation.
By the time he pulled the knife from his face and wiped off the blood, the little girl was standing in front of him, smiling with her mouth open, saying something, but Charles was now completely deaf and couldn't hear a thing.
Charles's lips curled into a smile behind the mask, "So the fat man isn't the King, you are the real ruler of Sodoma, aren't you?"
Her ability seemed similar to telekinesis, and coupled with that song that animated everything, Charles didn't think she was just a six or seven-year-old girl.
The girl raised her hands, and Charles's body floated mid-air.
"Crack!" Charles's left forearm twisted into a corkscrew.
The pain didn't make Charles take his eyes off the sea chart, as he continued to record everything he could.
Annoyance appeared on the girl's face, and with a squeeze of her hands, Charles's body twisted into an extremely exaggerated shape, his bones seemingly snapped instantly, and he crashed to the ground like a lump of mud.
At the same time, a blood-covered "King" panting heavily barged in.
Looking at Charles on the ground, "King's" face wore a look of cruelty, thump, thump, thump, he approached him with heavy steps.
But just as he bent down to grab him, Charles on the ground suddenly stood up, his body shooting out of the room like a cheetah.
"Roar, roar, roar!! Bet you didn't see this coming!! I've got a mask and know jujutsu, catch me, you fool!!"
After Charles burst out of the room, he immediately pulled out the explosives, lit them, and threw them behind him, with the blast sending Charles flying out.
Charles didn't even look at the results behind him; he quickly took out all the explosives from the bag and placed them in a corner of the wall.
He had already memorized the sea chart! Now, as long as he escaped, the mission would be complete!
"Boom!!" In an instant, the world spun around, and a huge hole was blasted in the King's residence; before Charles appeared the slum-like tin buildings of Sodoma.
Ignoring the buildings that stood dozens of meters high, he leaped directly.
Mid-air, Charles's body rapidly expanded and grew larger; a nearly five-meter giant bat appeared in the sky, flapping its wings quickly toward the harbor.
At the expanded hole created by the bomb, a little girl with a pale face commanded, "Give the order! Notify all the pirates! Whoever kills him will get 10 million Echoes!"
The disheveled "King" quickly nodded and jumped down from the hole.
Soon, Charles realized the air was not safe; when he had flown half of his route, all the gun ports around Sodoma began to turn towards him.
"Boom!" A cannonball flew swiftly towards him; Charles quickly dodged, fortunately not being hit. The explosion of the cannonball next to him blew him three meters away.
Charles folded his wings and flew low, skimming rooftops and ships' tops, attempting to dodge the cannon fire.
Although the cannon attacks had ceased, other dangers followed one after another.
"Rat-a-tat!!" A line of bullets swept past, putting several holes in Charles's left wing membrane.
He looked down and saw all the pirates, as if gone mad, wielding various weapons and launching a fierce attack on him.
Seeing their faces excited to the point of turning red, Charles immediately guessed that the "King" had placed a huge bounty on him.
Apart from the usual firearms, unimaginable attacks also flew towards Charles.
There were fireballs, lightning, and some pirates had even flown up by some means.
Under such an onslaught of attacks, even with Charles's agile moves, his injuries increased.
A Dam Bullet exploded in his lower limb, creating a cavity, and an unprecedented fatigue surged into his heart; he couldn't hold on much longer.
Just a few seconds later, the crowd of pirates in front of Charles suddenly cleared, and the dock filled with ships appeared in front of him.
But before Charles could rejoice, a yellow figure bouncing off the ground with an afterimage harshly slammed into him.
Under the immense impact, his scar-riddled body could no longer hold up, and he plummeted straight towards the sea surface.
Mid-air, Charles struggled to turn his head and saw the crazed face of the "King" already clinging onto him, frantically gnawing at his body.
"Splash~!" The two plunged into the icy seawater.
In the pitch-black seawater, Charles struggled intensely to escape the "King's" grip.
Just as he was making progress, dozens of centipede-like amputated worms shot out from the King's body, their hooked legs firmly catching Charles, linking the two together as their blood dyed the sea red.
During the frenzied gnawing, the "King's" decayed teeth swiftly broke down, and a row of ink-black sharp teeth emerged, making him resemble Taotie, as large chunks of flesh were peeled off; he seemed to want to swallow Charles alive.