Under the lead of this somewhat strange old man, Charles and the others headed towards the distant, complicated labyrinthine paths.
Just as Charles and his group had left, a figure wrapped in bandages emerged slowly on the wall, reaching out as if to stop something.
Although Blake was blind, he seemed to navigate by some other means, his neck crooked and his waist bent, yet he moved swiftly.
"Mr. Charles, this grandpa looks so pitiful, let's give him some cookies," Lily whispered into Charles's ear.
Charles shook his head and declined the request, as revealing their food recklessly was not a good idea when the other party's intentions were unclear.
Mud water stirred, and all that was silent marched on, walking for about half an hour, when a human settlement hanging on the wall appeared before Charles.
To stay away from the dirty mud water, they had chiseled out various-sized nooks in the rock walls, where dozens of humans sat, either resting or conversing.