"Crouch down! Cover with the canvas!" Following Charles' command, the dark green canvas, the same color as the seawater, completely covered the boat. They curled up under the canvas, motionless.
The bright searchlight swept over them and, detecting nothing unusual, moved on to other areas.
Relieved, Charles lifted the canvas and saw the source of the searchlight, an armed warship bristling with guns both fore and aft, and even cannons on both sides of the vessel.
Not only was its speed blindingly fast, but it was also completely silent. Had they been spotted just now, their mission would have certainly failed.
The propeller began to turn, slowly pushing the small boat toward the edge of the island.
During the approach, they were illuminated several times by searchlights from other boats, but thanks to their prepared canvas and the small size of their boat, they remained undetected.