"We must find a way to hold the pirate ships at the dock for a while so that the rest can take over the fuel plant."
"That's easy!" Kede, somewhat excited, snatched the pen from Charles and drew several arrows on the sea chart.
"Just send three ships to attack from the front of Crab's Pincers, draw their attention as much as possible. We don't need too much time, just hold them up for ten more minutes."
"Never mind if it works or not, how are those three ships going to come back?" Charles questioned.
"Why should they come back?" Kede's words abruptly made the atmosphere in the cabin freeze.
The burly man with hooks who had argued with Charles before stood up agitatedly, "I absolutely do not agree with this plan! My brothers will not go with you to their deaths!!"
Kede looked at him with a trace of scorn on his face, "Rest assured, I won't need your men. I'm afraid they might run away halfway. Brethren, the moment to sacrifice ourselves for the Light God has arrived!"