Its all cool and badass when you look at the titans through as screen. But if a beast big enough to uproot a skyscraper stands infront of you, its hard not to shit you're pants.
When the girl had managed the courage to come face not one but two such beings, ethier she was dumb as a sitcom carachter or got big ball for boobs.
Whatever it was, lucian saw a glimse of himself when she had asked for him to kill the raptor for her.
In that time lucian wanted to her to get what he had gone through; but it was not possible. He didn't want to kill for her and also not help her kill either. Aleast not in the way how it had gone done.
He would have preferred to teach the girl the ways to hunt.
Teach her to conquer biger animals with smarts and not just brute force. Like he had in the begning days when he strength was not as great as it was now.
He wanted the girl to eventually reach a point where she would hunt the beast herself.
But while all this thoughts flashed inside his head in what took sec's. The rationality soon downed on him.
It was not possible for him to teach and her to learn all this in a short amount of time. Just for lucian to be able to make a small strand of his mental energy to communicate his message with the girl will take him days to even weeks.
With the lack of communication and the complexity of the task to have the raptor bound to the forest and not run away see as to titan now inhabit it, was just not cutting it.
And neither the flash of idea to dig a pit and throw both the raptor and the girl with a spear a good idea, it was more like serving the girl on a plator to the raptor.
So, he did the best of what he could think of. If not for her being to solo the beast atlest let her have do the kill strick.
She come out of that experience with two long scars across her midrife when she had gotten to close to the beast.
But not even stoping with the wound she jumped right in to bury the spear trough the eye of the beast.
Looking at the girl so blooded screeming to the sky had lucian grinning with his razor sharp canines shining with the light reflecting on them.
After killing the beast the girl walked toward lucian using the bloody spear as a walking stick. lucian reached his down, Climbing onto it the girl fainted.
She was the first human that he has meet in this world and he didn't know if he will meet another.
It had been a few week from that day now.
Now it was not just lucain and Lilith but also… erdha.
He took her on with him on his jorney forward.
"It was not kidnapping when even they want to come with you."
But his current role had him frustrated, "Am I a beast or a bus,"
With Lilith still on his back, a new saddle was now attached to his hip.
Lilith had her head out and was resting it on his shoulder.
"I still don't understand why your had to bring the 'human' with us. That's what you call her right?"
"Yes, and before asking me that question. Tell me why even though you can totally fly along yet you have me carry you."
"Are you saying I am heavy."
Instant flashs of his past life come to lucian. The times he had answered the same question right and the times he had fucked up.
He knows that this is the same question that come in all forms, 'Do I look fat in this dress', 'should we order a salad', 'I sould come running with you for your morning jog', these are just some of the faces the question takes from the thousand masks it has in its arsenal.
Even if you hoop through all this obsticals, sometimes you're answer doesn't even matter.
But lucian was not a player in his old life without any tricks. He knew the best way to handle this situation 80 persent of the time. And for the rest 20 persent, it was best to just Andrew tate the situation.
"I didn't say that did I?"
When lucian asked this question with a seriously inquisitive expression, Lilith could only stare at him with her narrowed eyes.
She did not have a reply not having played this game enough. But she had her own misgivings.
"Where are we even going. There were so many good caves that we found on the way. we could have just taken one and stayed there."
Lucian had not talked to Lilith about mothra. And though now he had already partially accepted that he would never find her, he didn't want to talk about her.
"Do you feel the energy that flows around us."
"How about when you drink the blood of some beast."
"Isn't that food."
"Well yes the energy also acts as food for our sustenance but it also powers our abbilites. Like my lightning and your fire."
"Okay what does that have to do with us always on the move," asked lilith who was still confused about all the implecations of what lucian said.
"The energy is decressing, its slowly wilting away. Think of it as like this. After some time there will practically be no food left on the surface." Lucian said with a somber expression.
"Are we gonna die."
"Well maybe you, I can still eat raw meat to survive," lucian said with a cats grin.
"Ha ha, don't worry here we are going, the raddition will be present even after the whole earth gets dangorusly low on it."
'After that the earth migh start a new cycle with radation level spiking again,' Lucian kept this thought to himself.
While Lilith was still wraping her head around the sudden info dump, lucian got a glimpse from afar.
"Alright girl its time to get off, big bear gotta get dinner ready."
A beast come running in their direction.