
Wooden torches lit into the forest at night flaring their bright golden flames on the dark path.

It cast over the grim faces of men who paraded with guns and large duffel bags.

Their leader stood just in front of a waterfall where they had decided to camp for the night. Something about this place gave him the creeps. However, it meant he was on the right track.

They were on the hunt for the bastard creatures of the night. Vile savages who terrorized the livestock and family. He snorted, spitting into the nearby bush. After hearing the last team had been vanquished he decided to put up his team and go further. They were a bunch of cowards who couldn't even get a damn beast.

"Are you sure we're on the right track? There's no sign of anything here." One of his men spoke up from behind. It was true they were surrounded by vast trees thicker than the ones near the village. But that's no reason to back down. He knew there was something out there and he wasn't going until he rips the head of one of em beasts.

"We move until we find something. if we don't, we keep searching." He ordered. They scattered to cover more ground. And he stood fixated on the raging sound of water crashing down from the rocks.

His dear old friend who had accompanied him on this hunt came to his side. His barrel gun draped over his shoulder in a tight snag. He cleared his throat, alerting his presence.

"Quite a night isn't it" the friend with a smug look. He couldn't hide the grin on his cheeks and he glanced sideways at his friend and then back at the waterfall. A confident nod followed.

"Aye, it is, I can just feel it. Something big is going to be discovered." He said.

A brief silence ensued before he went on.

"The day I avenge Tabitha's death draws near" he chuckled deeply to himself.

Tabitha was his late wife who had died at the hands of the cruel savages. He arrived too late. She has lost a lot of blood and the baby was due. They had to tear his baby girl out from the cold bloodied corpse of his dead wife. He grovelled to his knees with the crying infant in his arms. That day still haunts him now and then.

His friend gave him a gentle pat on his back soothing whatever anguish trouble him. A reassuring nod his way made calm down the pain that burrowed through his heart.

"I will head to the waterfall to cool off," he said in a bid to calm the tense air between both of them.

His friend knew he needed some time alone. "I and the team will set the fire for the night. Shout if you need help" he joked earning a half smile from him.

The leader trudged near the water, washing his face and cleaning out his large knives. He planned to use the knife to cut open the wolf he catches. Dangerous thoughts travelled through his mind as he thought back to his past memories. Then he noticed the hollow echoes from behind the waterfall.

He went to investigate having been drawn to the waterfall ever since they got there. He followed a dark narrow hole which was hidden behind the waterfall.

The road led straight on, getting wider as he went deeper.

The sound of the quiet drips of water from the top rocks onto the ground floor was heard. His shallow breath was heavy with every light footstep. He didn't know where he was headed but he half expected it to be what he wished.

The distant echoes of murmurs just down the paths quickened his heartbeat. He froze when he heard them get closer to where he stood.

One of the guards stopped abruptly, "Do you smell that?" He said to the other as he raised his nose into the air. It was faint but he could smell the scent of something unfamiliar.

Unbothered, the other with a dismissed thought replied, "I can't sniff a thing in these parts. I took a whiff of daisies and now my nuzzles don't work like they used to" the other chatted to his fellow guard.

It was a narrow hole but he managed the squeeze through hiding under the gazes of these two guards. They walked past him. One of them was still sceptical of the unfamiliar scent.

"No humans ever come down these parts, it's completely hidden out of sight. Plus the gemstone is there to diverge their suspecting gazes " The other said in a dismissive tone. His fellow guard faltered, also doubting his nose.

"Maybe you are right" he gave up. The other draped his arm around his shoulder.

"Now why don't we head back for dinner. I'm starving" he said with a wry smile. They retreated after surveying the entrance to the cave.

The hunter crouched in a corner hidden by the dark stone wall and his black-clothed outfit. He was in a deep seething rage as he watched these two wolves walk back taking no notice of him. Every fibre in him wanted to launch an unsuspecting attack at them. Kill them and rip them apart. But he was outnumbered two to one. A death wish would be what he bargained for if he carried on blinded by rage. However, the big news still amazed him. He had found their hideout.

When he was sure they had gone he went back out through the falls. Seeing the worried looks on his men's faces dissolve as he approached from behind the falls.

His friend came up to me, "you were gone and left no traces. You got us worried for a second,'' he said in a distressed voice then got distracted by the wicked grin that didn't seem to leave his face.

"What happened," it was written all over his face as he flashed them a toothy grin.

"Our search is over, now we prepare to attack," he said with a confident smirk.