
Even with the next day being bright with clear skies. The people walked in sorrow and grief for the loss of their fellow pack members.They set out to work, rebuilding damaged properties in their packs.

Not even the joyful chatter of the children could light up the streets.

Lucan lay in his bed running his hand through his dishevelled locks of hair.

He stared at his aide standing beside the door exit of the room, a disturbed look plastered on his face as he watched the large-sized wolf snarl at him viciously. It stood guard just in the middle of the room, hair standing on its end like a cat who had walked into an intruder.

"So you're saying she threatened you when you stood up," Nich said doubtfully at his alpha.

With an exhausted sigh, Lucan stood up, her head turning swiftly towards him. She pulled up her snout showing her fangs. A low rumble growl escaped her nuzzle, the black orbs fixated on him. It was clear all she said was 'seat down'.

He raised a leg forward as if to step away from the bed. In a quick flash, her fangs dived down, jaws snapping just at his ankle. She never bit him. It was just a warning. 'Do not move'

Lucan's demeanour darkened, he didn't like being told what to do, especially from the likes of her. He ignored her warning. Releasing his growl, it was meant to make her step down. But it did nothing. She didn't step back, instead advancing towards him.

It was a fierce stare-down between both of them that was until he sat back down. She relaxed, turning back to Nich, no growls but the glowering look said it all.

"Point taken" he stated flatly. "Have you tried talking to her?"

"I can't get through to her. Her wolf is in full control." He said with a frustrated grunt.

"Instead of trying to dominate her, what about drawing her in gently," he suggested. He frowned at the thought knowing it would only allow the bond to grow.

"Female wolves are mostly on edge for two things when their cub is In danger or their mate."

"She is not my mate. This bind was an accident" he spat.

"But you have her mark. She is feeling your unease and that's what is putting her on edge. Reassure her it's okay that's all." He pointed out blankly.

Knowing fully well his aide was right he was adamant. However, he couldn't stay here for long. He stood up once again drawing her attention towards him. She sat quietly on her hind legs watching his every move.

Reaching out his hand forward her head tilted to the side with a small whine. She dropped low, hunching her back submissively as she crawled towards him. Small whines escaped her lips as her white fur brushed his fingertips. Running his hands through her fur her body purred softly under his touch. He also felt himself also relax into the touch.

She finally calmed down into his arm hair retreating into her skin, her arm paws turning into arms and feet.

Raven's pov

It was warm but I couldn't get enough of it, a piece of fabric blocking me from direct contact. My hands searched for an opening of some sort wanting to feel the direct warmth. Whatever it was.


I recognised the sound of a heartbeat underneath my finger.

"Are you done exploring my body?" The deep husky voice whispered a little tensely into my ear. My eyes shot wide open when I realized I had just heard someone speak to me.

Lifting my chin from where I cradled naked in his arm. I saw his striking silver eyes gazing down at mine. It had an unusual dark gaze in it.


The voice whispered in my head. My mind clouded with nothing else but…

I didn't bother hiding my skin. I wanted to be bare in front of him. Only him. My orbs travelled from his eyes down to his lips soaking everything into my memory. The feeling of his skin under mine felt intoxicating. I wanted to feel more.

My hands as if with a mind of their own touched his cheeks feeling the rough texture of shaved hair, down to his neck.

His eyes closed, and he leaned into my plan. I noticed how his shoulders relaxed under my touch. Then his eyes opened, and His wolf shined in his eyes. My arm snaked around his neck bringing his head closer. Our gazes locked on one another.

Knock knock

He snapped out of it quicker than I could react. The strong pull of desires we had felt vanished in the blink of an eye. He left me throwing a piece of fabric at my face. I was still stunned by what had happened.

"Dress up and leave," he said with his face turned away. His words were cold. He rubbed his hands through his face as if to clear his head of what happened. Or what almost happened.

I got dressed. Quiet and calm. I could not still put my head together around what had happened. However, I knew one thing I felt was my heart crashing to my stomach. I was embarrassed. The rejection had hit me so hard. I was at a loss for words. I bolted through the door knocking into whoever it was that was behind it. I didn't want to be in the same room with him.

Not bothering to look back and apologise. I ran across the hallway out of the main mansion to the servants building. The lump in my throat was hard to force back down. I felt warm tears pour down my cheeks.

Once I was farther away from the mansion just across the garden and I would be in the servants building. Although I didn't want anyone to see me like this. So I crouched on my knees, face buried into my palm. I sobbed to myself.