
Lucan's pov

"Most of the buildings damaged have been repaired and families of the lost settled." Nicholas gave his report diligently to Lucan who stared off into space barely listening to a fraction of what his aide said.

"The other packs have been notified of this crisis and a meeting is to be held soon to delegate on what will be done towards this situation." Nicholas finally looked up from his report book.

A small silence before Lucan blinked, snapping out of his thoughts. A narrowed glance at Nich.

"Did you get anything of what I said?" he asked with a raised eyebrow doubtful that he had heard anything from the beginning.

"Just submit the report book and I will look through it when I have the time." He huffed a grunt standing up from his seat. He was done.

He left the office, out of his mansion. He needed to clear his head, maybe a run would do it.

Mid jog he broke off into a run, transforming midair, his paw landed on the ground and off into the forest.

After hours of pushing his wolf further away from his pack. He calmed to strut, sensing a game nearby. He crouched low, the instinct to capture the prey ahead of him taking over.

It was a large buck deer grazing deep in the forest oblivious to his creeping wolf approaching closer to the unbothered game. Not far from the buck was a female deer and her fawn drinking from the small river bank. He paused. Changing his target.

His breathing slowed down, and when close enough he leapt onto the female deer just landing barely on her back, his claws digging into her flesh drawing blood. The noisy sounds of bleating came from the fawn who had scurried away in fright. He sank his teeth into her legs to cripple her from running away. Strong antlers fell on him, slicing through his fur, almost stabbing into him. He dodged letting go of his prey.

A snarl was directed at the angry buck who wanted to protect his female. He circled as the buck stood strong in front of his female. Pointing his huge antlers at him.

The female was badly injured and limping on her hind legs trying to run away from the threat. The situation felt familiar and he saw the buck as her defending him from the hunters. While he was heavily induced with the drugs.

The buck charged forward for another strike. Knocking him off the ground while he had been lost in his thoughts.

He came crashing down to the ground a snort from the buck as it prepared for another strike. He dodged it, missing him by an inch.

That was close. He panted, half interested in the game he abandoned the injured deer returning.

He was back in the pack, wearing only jeans and no top, he entered a rusty bar filled with men and very few females drinking away to the soft voice coming from the singer on the stage who entertained these men. The air choked with cigars and the pungent smell of alcohol filled the room.

They watched with lustful eyes at the female on stage dressed in see-through netted wear. Her voice flowed harmoniously through the room. Soothing to the ear.

He sat on the stool near the counter, facing the stage and had a clear view of the beautiful lady where she took the floor and the men along with her voice. She sashayed her hip swaying slowly to her song.

Every man here was unmated. She stepped down from the stage slowly and briefly, made eye contact with him. The bartender had passed his drink, a nod directed at him.

He took a sip from his drink watching her as she walked to one of the customers. Her hands ran down his jaw, and he swooned into her touch, reaching out to her but she withdrew to another.

A man fueled by lust wanted to grab her to himself however the enforcer meant to protect her stepped in. She walked back to the stage. Her song, coming to an end.

They applauded, with loud hoots and whistles from various men in the bar. She bowed, going backstage.

Lucan ordered more drinks. They knew who he was the moment he walked in. Some watched on alert. However, he didn't come for any of those bastards.

"Fancy seeing you here today" he turned, acknowledging her presence. The singer of tonight and the owner of the hellish bar.

"Long time no see, Lenora" he cheered his drink her way.

"Stop calling me that, it makes us feel like strangers when we are not." She pouted, coming closer to him. She had worn a coat over the dress she had on before.

"So, what brings you to this devastated hell floor" She took a seat on the stool beside crossing her legs over the other. She exposed a part of her thigh showing just about enough skin. A smile formed on her lips when she caught his attention leering at her.

"I needed a change of scenery." He answered, gulping down the drink. He signalled to the bar for another.

"Whatever has got you in this mood must be really important." She said, leaning forward to him. Her cleavage centred just right in front of him. He chuckled deeply.

Her motives seemed to not affect him. Instead, he imagined a particular brown-haired fellow sitting in her place looking at him so lustfully. He felt it hit him rock hard at the thought. Turning his head away to bury the thought.

"Work was getting to me." He finally said.

He needed to calm the hell down. Ever since that day, he became more sensitive to anger reacting at the slightest provocation. The sleepless night buried under his covers he just couldn't get her face out of his head.

"How about I help you relax? What do you say?" she trailed her fingers on his hard triceps, her lips pursed seductively at him.

Normally he wouldn't have thought about it for more than a second, but…

"I could take you on that offer" she took his hand escorting him to the room. The doors slammed shut behind them.