Chapter 10: The Island Of Wutai

The twins gingerly packed their things and put them in his storage. Alexandra made an order of hundreds of bottles of shampoo and conditioner that she likes. Because she ran out of it in their stay at Nibelheim and her sucked because of it.

"Why'd you need that much shampoo and conditioner..." Ramiel deadpanned at his sister and she flipped her hair with style.

"Nii-san, you don't understand. You always have good hair. It's infinite in mystery, you cheater." Alex squinted her eyes at him and he gave a sheepish smile. He didn't have any bad hair days because he can adapt to any weather condition now.

"Well, that's because I'm fabulous. I've got a question again, why are you wearing that outfit anyway? I mean, it's cool and all. But why are there a lot of belts for no reason?" Ramiel raised a brow at her fashion choice.

"I don't know, the belts just call out to me. Besides, I look cool, that's enough reason to wear them." Alex shrugged and Ramiel nodded sagely.

"I guess the end game is fashion, so that makes sense. But stay frosty, we're facing real enemies that want to seriously keep you down." Ramiel patted her head and she pouted at him for treating her like a kid.

"Have you finished packing? I don't see any luggage." Lazard furrowed his brows and thought they were messing around.

"Umu, we have. We've packed enough shampoo and conditioner for a year. Alex here apparently uses one bottle every time she showers." Ramiel poked fun at her and Lazard thought that was some serious dedication to keep her hair nice and silky.

"If you're done, then board your plane and you'll be dropped off at the beaches of Wutai where our troops need support." Lazard sighed and rubbed his temples. Thinking if they were gonna be all right with them being the ultimate weapons of Shinra.

"Let's go Alex, it's time to have some fun." Ramiel gave a playful smile and the twins quickly went to their plane.

"Those two are quite the mystery, they are unpredictable. Did Hojo really train them well, I guess I shouldn't tell Shinra about their personalities... He might think of having them investigated." Lazard gave a smirk and had a good feeling for the twins.


They boarded their plane once again and travelled to the western continent. Further away than Nibelheim that was already in the sticks.

Wutai was an island that had a pretty good natural defense. The only way to enter through it by ship is the beachy shores of the south. And even when Shinra sent troops via a parachutes. The mountainous regions and forests surrounding it made it an environmental hazard.

"You ready? We're going to the beach. Ahhh, I bet it's going to be nice and sunny." Ramiel imagined a vacation there and he would surely turn it into a tourist vacation spot later. Making Wutai the Okinawa of Gaia.

"You're already thinking of it as a vacation spot, nii-san." Alex deadpanned at him. "What? Sue me, I bet it's a tropical paradise. Shinra just wants to accrue more land. I want to have a nice tourist spot. Shinra thinks too little, Wutai is prime real estate for a resort." Ramiel snorted.

They arrived nearby the beach and got dropped off by their aircraft. Ramiel and Alexandra just jumped off the plane and landed in the middle of battle. Bullets flying everywhere.

"Hello there." Ramiel smirked at them and threw Masamune at Alex. The twins then began deflecting the bullets from Wutai's troops with superhuman precision and accuracy.

The soldier mooks of both Shinra and Wutai were in awe. The soldiers of Shinra then started cheering when they saw that they matched the descriptions of their supposed back up.

"We've got you now! Those people are the elite of the elite! SOLDIER 1st class!" A soldier from Shinra shouted out and they quickly gained morale.

Wutai's side was all frown though, as they have heard of rumors about the SOLDIERs. And even 3rd class ones, the lowest in the ladder were a menace to squadrons with just a basic blade in hand. And there are only a handful of the 1st class.

SOLDIER 3rd class are already considered superhuman elites. 2nd class were elite of the elite. 1st class are gods amongst men. Capable of taking on whole armies by their lonesome.

"R-retreat!" The leader of the Wutai platoon immediately ordered a tactical withdrawal. But Alexandra swung her blade. "That's bad news! Duck like you mean it!" Their leader tried saving those who are nearby and dropped to the ground with them.

But those who were too slow or froze in the heat of action were met by the ruthless energy blade. There was silence for a moment and both sides thought that her attack was an illusion or something. But the trees began falling down and the unlucky ones got split in half, spurting blood like a waterfall.

"M-monsters..." A survivor blurted out as they saw Alexandra's eyes glow behind her shades. "Take that! We're gonna win now, victory will be ours! We not only have one, but two 1st class!" The Shinra soldiers celebrated victory.

"Now, for a little magic trick." Ramiel threw balls of flames up in the air. Numerous firaga spells got conjured.

He raised a finger and pointed it down. Making the deceptive flickers of flame fall. The ground trembled as the explosion and hellfire consumed everything as far as the eye could see.

"Bloody hell, that was too much." A Shinra mook was shocked to his core as they shielded themselves from the shockwave.

Hurricane like winds almost blowing them off from the ground. "Where's your base? I'd expect that you guys at least have one?" Alex raised a brow at them and they immediately began guiding them.

"I'll stay here for a bit, investigate the area." Ramiel informed them and he jumped, cracking the ground as he suddenly disappeared from view.

Alex nodded at him and she followed the Shinra troops back to their makeshift base.

Ramiel silently waited for Alex and the Shinra soldiers to go. "Hah, what a pain in the ass. I guess this is what it takes." Ramiel sighed and he began unearthing the ground.

What was revealed were the survivors with a hexagonal shield on them. As he casted a magic barrier on them before making them go kaboom.

He then split the ground with quake and buried them beneath. "You... Why did you save us?" The leader of the platoon got suspicious and thought that they would be prisoners of war. Tortured for more information, so he was ready to kill himself as the most knowledgeable man there.

"Sup, I'm Ramiel. One of the only two SOLDIER 1st class in Shinra right now. And we're expecting a few more members in a few years." Ramiel smirked at them and the Wutai soldiers' blood went cold.

"Now, now. Don't be discouraged, I'm a pretty nice kid. I'm still 10, so I have a heart of gold. That's why, I want you to send your leader a message." Ramiel patted the guy on his shoulder, lifting him up from the ditch.

"Godo Kisaragi will never be able to resist Shinra when we enter the battle. It's only a matter of time before they press the attack, Wutai will fall in a pretty short time frame. And we are here to help, not cause its downfall." He gave a letter for the more specific details and walked away from them.

"Captain... Are you sure we can trust him?" One of his men asked as it might be a trap. "I don't think you understand how deep in trouble Wutai is. Those SOLDIER 1st class are monsters disguising as a human... I'd reckon that they can turn Wutai village into a burning landscape in under an hour."

The troops paled, imagining them attacking their mainland with more violence and savagery. It would be complete devastation.

"Let's pass this message to Kisaragi-sama. We might just have hope that those two monsters are apparently here to help us. Not destroy us and burn our nation to the ground." The leader's face hardened.


The twins went to the camp of Shinra and it was basically just tents. Though they did have a pretty large one, all to themselves.

"Nii-san, it's so humid here. I feel sticky and gross..." Alex complained once they were alone in their tent.

"That's just the way it is, Wutai has a tropical season after all. And we just had to luck out on being deployed at summer. Honestly, winter is much better for us. No damned insects buzzing around, that's for sure." Ramiel sighed as he counted at least a few dozen mosquitoes that he squashed already.

Alex stared at him with her glowing eyes intently and he rolled his eyes. "You just want to take a bath. I'm a pack horse now, am I?"

"Well, what should we call you? You can practically carry anything without being weighed down." Alexandra chuckled and Ramiel sighed.

"Fine, I did prepare a little emergency shower for these types of situations. Praise me." Ramiel took out a little cubicle with a large barrel of water overhead.

"You're the best, nii-san." She hugged him tightly and he snorted. "Yeah, yeah. I'm the best." He ruffled her hair and she glared at him.

Alex went to the shower immediately and Ramiel sat down. Looking at the time. "I guess they must have returned to the fortress by now. Then we wait, if he accepts... Then all is fine, but if he refuses. It's not my problem that a few more of his men dies."


At the north of Wutai, in the fort where Godo Kisaragi resides. He was currently reading Ramiel's letter while the platoon leader that he spared kneeled in front of him.

"SOLDIER 1st class? What a load of bull, it's most likely propaganda and fear mongering by Shinra. How can you fools fall for such a simple bait!?" Godo crumpled the letter and the soldier's face hardened.

"Kisaragi-sama, pardon my words. But it's not an exaggeration to say that they can burn Wutai village with just two of them. They were master combatants with enough skill to deflect automatic gunfire like they're toy bullets." The soldier tried talking sense to him.

"Silence! We are Wutai. We are a proud nation that has confidence in our warriors. Never speak of this again, besides. We have a secret guardian that will never let us down." Godo looked at the flag of their guardian deity, a serpent.

The soldier's eyes lit up. But he has never seen their guardian deity in action before. And the human mind will believe in what it experienced and remembers.

Though he rightfully shut up. Godo took out a materia that was glowing with power. It had a lot of energy.

"Let's see if these gods amongst men can defeat our god. Wutai will not lose, mark my words." Godo gripped the Materia and was really confident about it.

Ramiel then sneezed at their camp. "I have a feeling that Godo will be a stubborn old man. But I guess we can soften him up a bit. Isn't that right, Alex?" He called out to his sister who was blow drying her long hair.

"Yes, nii-san." She replied lazily and thought that the old man will be quite in the predicament if he doesn't accept their help soon.

"Hah, let's just go to sleep for now. I have a bit of jetlag still when we travelled to Wutai." Ramiel took out some pretty nice beds and Alex nodded in satisfaction at his preparedness.

"Sasuga, nii-sama. You are a genius." She flopped on her bed and rolled on the fluffy covers.


Thanks for reading everyone, anyways. ciao.