Omake: With Great Wokeness, Comes Great Irresponsibility

After a nice vacation in the pokemon world, Ramiel of course wanted to have work done again. And it's high time for him to retrofit all his ships. And give them the ability to use their weapons in their human forms.

"Hmm, Alex. Can you give me the infinity stones? I'll go to Marvel and assimilate their powers there." He asked for the glowing stones.

"Finally, you can probably do something about her when you assimilate them too." Alexandra handed him the stones while giving Schwarz and Bianca a dirty look.

"What? I'm not that bad." Schwarz replied with a raised brow. "You always ask for food and laze around. Those two are much better than you." Alexandra huffed and the esper sisters got roped in at her nagging.

"You didn't have to say it like that." Fubuki felt bad because they were just being neets in Ramiel's house.

"We do things too... I think." Tatsumaki couldn't remember helping with anything in the house and started sweating.

"Lulu, can you tell them what they do? These guys just order boxes of Pringles and doritos, using Ramiel's credit card." Alexandra raised a brow and they got depressed.

"You're like a tiger mom Alexandra, calm down. It's not like they really need to work or something. We own the world, we don't need money." Lulu shrugged and the esper sisters had tears in their eyes.

"But you should at least clean your rooms. Cheeto dust is on your oily fingers while using your keyboards and controllers." Lulu gave them a disgusted look and the two felt betrayed.

"Okay, you guys need to do better. You're being complacent right now." Ramiel sighed and thought they were worse than he thought.

"But what should we do though?" Tatsumaki raised a point. They were godlike espers and telepaths, their powers can't be used at a drop of a hat.

"I don't know, be heroes or something. Kill some pedos and crazy fucks in the streets. Go crazy, just do something." Ramiel shrugged.

"Ramiel, you're being irresponsible." Yuna puffed her cheeks. "How about being a disaster rescue team?" Samus raised her hand and suggested.

"That! That'd be perfect for you guys, build some PR for our company too. I'm counting on you." Ramiel patted their heads and fucked off to let them argue about it.

"Ahhh, there he goes... He didn't even take any of us with him." Rapunzel pouted. "He's going to work, let him do it alone. He's spoiled us rotten for long enough." Elsa stated with dignity.

"She really is a queen, I gotta learn how to speak like that." Aqua nodded at her statement and Elsa glared at her. "What do you mean by that?"

Chaos then erupted and everybody started arguing again.

"Whew, fuck me. I guess this is my karma? Alex is turning into a tiger mom. And everyone's gonna quarrel. Eh, Samus and Lulu can handle it." Ramiel shrugged and he travelled to the marvel multiverse.

"They're on earth 19999 right? It was the infinity war universe." He located the Marvel cinematic one and entered it.

Though he made a mistake because of the infinite number of universes. He arrived at New York and breathed in the smell of wet dumpsters, rat pee, and turds around the alleys.

"Ahhh, home sweet home. New York is still a dumpster fire." Ramiel smiled and reminisced his home back at his previous life.

"Now, where's the avengers again?" Ramiel flew to the skies after turning invisible and went to the place of the avengers home base.

Walking up to the front door of the building, he entered and announced his presence. "Hello? Tony? I'm Alexandra's brother, I gotta say. I'm a big fan."

Ramiel was excited and thought if he was going to see RDJ or something. His daydream got cut off though, a SHIELD agent pointed a gun at him.

"Who the hell are you?" She glared at him and was already calling for back up.

He gasped and his eyes shone. "Maria Hill? Wow, a shield agent in the flesh." Ramiel was excited, seeing an agent from shield.

"I said, who are you?" She raised a brow, confused by his actions. But he broke into the avengers HQ and they don't know a single thing about him.

"Calm down there, you don't wanna shoot me lady. Where's Tony? I gotta talk to him, Alexandra did kinda ditch them after killing Thanos and Galactus. So I wanna set things straight a bit." He explained himself and sat down on the couch.

"Stark... Do you know Tony? He's not in this world anymore." Maria was buying time, but something was weird with his words. Thanos wasn't killed by anyone.

Ramiel then flinched and his aura changed. Spooking her, making Maria freeze in place. "Tell me more." Ramiel squinted his eyes and thought that a butterfly effect happened.

"T-the avengers defeated Thanos... They then brought back everyone from the blip... Including me." Maria explained and Ramiel's pressure disappeared. With Maria dropping on the ground, panting.

"Then where the hell am I?" Ramiel took out the infinity stones and Maria was shocked out of her mind.

"Fuck, I'm in the wrong universe." Ramiel face palmed and read Maria's mind to see where the hell he is exactly.

"The canon one in the movie? Then Natasha is also dead here... And Steve is a goddamned old man." Ramiel sighed and was thinking of getting out of dodge.

But he got interested in what happened after endgame. That was the last film he saw of marvel cinematics after all.

"Okay, agent Maria Hill. I'm gonna introduce myself. I'm Ramiel, from another universe yeah? My sister killed Thanos and helped the avengers save the universe." Ramiel explained, Maria then tilted her head. Not believing it of course.

A group of agents then surrounded him and he sighed. "Hah, you know. I'm having a bad day right now. I got lost, Natasha and Tony are dead here. And I've gotta search for the correct universe again, let's not do this. It won't end well for you." Ramiel massaged his temples.

The agents weren't having it though. "Get down on the ground!" A guy shouted out while firing a warning shot.

"Hah, fine." Ramiel snapped his fingers and their equipment atomized, disappearing into dust.

"Stand down!" Maria broke into a cold sweat. "What do you want?" She preserved her subordinates' lives and decided to communicate first.

"Where's Bruce? And if this is the post blip. Then the government is fucked, right? I guess I'll give some food at least? You know what? I'll look for him myself." Ramiel flew to the skies and located a concentration of gamma radiation.

Maria immediately called Nick Fury. "We've got an avengers level threat in our hands."

"Motherfucker." Talos who is replacing Nick Fury right now, massaged his temples. The avengers are gone, and something that needs their attention popped out of nowhere.


Ramiel was cruising in the skies and arrived at the place where he noticed a concentration of gamma radiation. "Wait, there's two? A female? Jennifer Walters!?"

He got out of his funk, noticing that Jennifer was here. A fan favorite. "Marvel put in she-hulk? Wow, this is going to be amazing." Ramiel got excited again and dropped down on the island.

At a cliff nearby, he saw two green people who looked like they were training. "Hello there." He landed on the ground and waved at them.

"Who are you?" Bruce looked at him and was surprised at a person that is that tall.

"Do you know him, Bruce?" Jennifer whispered at her cousin and he shook his head.

"Well, I'm Ramiel. I came from another universe where my sister killed Thanos. I returned here to talk to Tony, but he died here." Ramiel sighed and Bruce nodded.

He understood the multiverse theory, being a brilliant scientist and all. They did time travel, a person from another universe wasn't far fetched at all.

Ramiel also took out the infinity stones, letting Bruce believe what he was saying. "So your sister killed Thanos? She must be amazing." Bruce remembered him beating the shit out of the hulk.

"Ohhh? What a girl boss then. She killed Thanos? The big bad guy?" Jennifer was weirdly excited and Ramiel raised a brow, but he ignored that and nodded.

"What happened here? Did Jennifer get attacked by the mob and you had to give her a blood transfusion?" Ramiel remembered the origin story of she-hulk.

"Ahh, no. We were driving and got into an accident. And my blood went to her wounds. Now she's also the hulk." Bruce gave a wry smile.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna be much better too." She had a smug, self satisfied look on her face and Ramiel raised a brow again.

"Okay... What the hell is happening here? She's kinda annoying." Ramiel whispered to himself and was feeling that something was terribly wrong.

"I'm training Jen about being the hulk, it's pretty dangerous having this amount of strength after all." Bruce explained and Ramiel nodded.

"That's a good idea, where are we anyways?" Ramiel looked around and they're in the middle of nowhere at an island.

"Funny you ask that, Tony actually helped me build a lab here. It's far from civilization too, so we can cause a lot of damage here." Bruce gave a smile and remembered Tony fondly.

"Cool, can I look around?" Ramiel wanted to see what he might be doing there and Bruce didn't see a problem with that and Ramiel went to his base.

"Did you see him Bruce? That guy's a total babe! Momma likey." Jennifer licked her lips and had a sleazy look on her face.

"Hah, don't mess with him. His sister defeated Thanos, I shouldn't tell you much about what he could probably do, right?" Bruce thought about it and the hulk's instincts were screaming warning signs about him.

"Ohh, don't be such a scaredy cat Bruce. He looks really sweet, when he was talking with us earlier. He seemed to really like us, especially me." She had a smug smile on.

"Whatever, just don't antagonize him. I don't know Jen, something's telling me that would be a really bad idea." Bruce furrowed his brows and they returned to the base.

Ramiel was checking the tech in Bruce's place. "Umu, this place looks amazing. It totally has that lab feel." Ramiel approved and thought it was pretty impressive.

Though Tony could probably make tons more of improvement. "Too bad he died here." He gave the dead a little prayer. Which was ironic, because he's basically a demigod.

And while he was roaming around, he heard Bruce argue with Jen. "Hmm? They have a good relationship right? Why are they arguing?" Ramiel wanted the gossip and scuttled around like an assassin.

"We're here because we need to have the ability to tolerate distress. Especially anger." Bruce was meditating and was explaining the needs to be a good hulk.

"Listen Bruce, I'm great at controlling my emotions. When I get catcalled on the street, incompetent men telling me how to do my job. Being called, emotional and difficult. I'm an expert in controlling my anger infinitely better than you!" She transformed to her hulk form.

"See?" Bruce was patient with her, but Ramiel frowned heavily when he heard what she said.

"Sorry, I can't help but hear that. I can hear anything and everything in a few thousand mile radius without trying you see. But did you just... Did you really compare those to Bruce's life?" Ramiel admired Bruce's will.

It was a slap to the face for one of Earth's heroes that faced a universal threat. "Ramiel..." Bruce looked at him and wanted to say no, but Ramiel raised his hand.

"Jennifer Walters, did you really say you're much better at controlling your anger, while having a fit. To Bruce Banner? Are you that insensitive?" Ramiel was disappointed and thought this must be a version of Jennifer that is a piece of shit.

"What do you mean insensitive!? Women are always looked down upon, then chauvinistic pigs consider you to be lesser than you!" Jennifer got heated.

"Shut up and sit down woman, are you daft? I can't believe you're a goddamned lawyer. Do you even know what Bruce went through?" Ramiel shook his head and was getting angry.

"Ramiel, that's enough. Please." Bruce tried to stand up and stop him. "No, you sit down too. You can't just accept the disrespect that she just gave you."

He tied them down on the ground with telekinesis and they couldn't move a single muscle. "Listen here, Jennifer Walters. Bruce saw his father kill his mother right in front of his very eyes. Your aunt, who you so conveniently forgot about."

"He lost everyone when he turned to the hulk, his work, his colleagues, the love of his life. And her father tried to hunt him down like a mad dog for years. He even tried to kill himself just to end it all. What part of your life, do you think is much harder than his?" Ramiel sighed and calmed himself down.

Bruce flinched and he looked down on the ground. "Is... Is that true, Bruce?" Jennifer furrowed her brows and she started crying.

"Maybe if you weren't acting like a cheap harlot the majority of your life, you would know. I heard you talk about me like a piece of meat. And I can smell dozens of men on you, your liver is crap. A typical Californian wine mom too. What a disgrace you are." Ramiel gave her a dirty look.

"Fuck, Bruce this woman is a lost cause. I'd advise you to cut your losses. A crazy cat lady got her powers without the problematic side effects. You don't deserve that." He changed the mutations on her and basically cut off her powers.

He then fucked off, fuming. "I... I'm sorry Bruce." She looked at Bruce while crying. But he just stood up and left the scene too.

"What the fuck is Disney smoking? Star wars wasn't bad enough, even Marvel's dying? Hollywood needs to burn down to the ground. Schwarz would really like that." Ramiel sighed heavily.

"You, why do you have infinity stones?" A woman appeared in front of him while cruising and it was a blonde. Squinting her eyes in suspicion at him.

"Fuck me, there she is. Captain Marvel, my sister gave them to me. And I don't like your tone right now, miss. I'm in a really bad mood, you don't want this smoke." Ramiel calmly explained.

Carol Danvers felt the collection of infinity stones and immediately went to earth. And her ego was hurt by Ramiel's warning.

"Are you threatening me? You're in for a world of hurt then. I'll take those from you." She prepared to rob him of his infinity stones that Alexandra, Tifa, Aerith, and the others risked to get.

And Ramiel isn't a saint. A golden aura started leaking from him. Heaven and earth trembled from his power. And he was pissed as hell.

"You come here and interrogate me. I explained why, you don't believe me. And you want to rob me? Take these stones which my family got by defeating Galactus? Rob me!?" His slitted eyes glowed a bright azure.

"So be it. I warned you woman, you're quite durable yeah?" He cracked his knuckles. Carol shot him with a pulse of energy that came from the tesseract.

When it hit him, the energy blast disappeared like whiffs of smoke. "This is self defense." He appeared right in front of her, staring at her right on the eyes.

He grabbed her right on the face and reappeared on the ground. Raising his arm, he smashed Carol's head with as much violence he could.

A thunderous explosion cracked and the earth was torn asunder. "Hngh!" Ramiel stomped on her face and sent her deep inside the mantle.

With a flick of his hand, she flew back right at his hand and he inspected her condition. "You're still fine, a little more beating would hopefully tone down your ego."

He released her on the air and his leg turned into a whip, a thunderclap cut through the air as his leg hit her right at the ribs.

A sickening crunch resounded, all the ribs on her right side fracturing from the overwhelming force. Carol's eyes saw the cold look in his eyes and she had a single thought in her head. She would die today.

Vomiting blood, she flew like a pebble that skipped on a lake and her body got ragdolled. Smashing through a forest of trees before stopping on a mountain, just barely.

Carol laid on a crater, still. Her eyes dazed, staring at the skies. "Hmmm, A few broken ribs. You'll live, I'll at least leave you half dead."

Ramiel lifted her from her hair and started using her face as a punching bag. "Stop! Plea-" She begged, but what answered was a fist that with extreme prejudice.

Her jaw shattered and she couldn't even beg anymore. Ramiel was about to kick her on the other side to shatter all her ribs, then leave.

"Wait! Please! Stop this, I implore you." Strange appeared with his sling ring, accompanied by the current sorcerer supreme, Wong.

"Steven? Hmmm, I guess." Ramiel dropped her on the ground and spitted on her face. "I could've killed you. Thieving bitch, wanting to steal my infinity stones. So, what can I do for you gentlemen?"

Strange and Wong winced, seeing Carol as a bloody mess on the ground. "Did she really try to rob you?" Strange was confused and didn't expect her to do that.

"Yeah, she tried to get my infinity stones. Which mind you, isn't even effective here. I'd have killed her if she didn't protect the milky way. Which I'm doubting very much." Ramiel snorted and cleaned up his fists with a rag.

"T-thank you very much for the mercy." Strange bowed, he could feel the bloodlust on him. Ramiel was in a very bad mood.

"Can we ask why you came here?" Wong broke into a cold sweat. But if he was there to do things that will be bad for earth, then they would have to die trying to stop him.

"I was looking for Tony and the avengers. My sister fought with them against Thanos and Galactus. Maybe talk a bit, but I was on the wrong universe. This place is a mess, Strange. Are you even doing your job?" Ramiel squinted his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Steven didn't understand. "Is this supposed to be a hero? This woman tried to rob me in broad daylight. It won't be an exaggeration to say that I can kill her without repercussions. Your heroes are terrible." Ramiel gave Carol a dirty look and was itching to heal her up and beat her some more.

Strange and Wong went quiet. It would be weird to actually not defend yourself. And infinity stones were the things on the line. Strange would kill her too if she was after the time stone.

"You know what? Fuck it, tell me... Who needs a beating here in this universe. I'm done, no more mister nice guy. Whenever I try to be amiable, these kinds of fucks show up and try to boss me around." Ramiel cracked his neck and was done with their shit.

They of course had to think about it really well, but Ramiel's patience was paper thin right now.

"Fine, I guess you don't want to say. That's okay, I'll do it myself." Ramiel concentrated and checked the hearts of people who have superpowers around the world.

And the closest one, is another person he quite liked. Making him click his tongue. "So even Wanda turned into a maniac here? What the hell is going on here?" Ramiel teleported and the two sorcerers panicked.

"Strange! Where's Wanda!? Quickly, their clash would cause too much destruction!" Wong shook Strange and he was looking for her, pronto.

"I don't know! Let me concentrate Wong, damnit!" Steven checked for magical signatures. But she went quiet after the hex shenanigans she caused some time ago.

Ramiel appeared at a field of trees that bloomed flowers and there was a beautiful woman right there that pruned them.

"Wanda Maximoff?" Ramiel calmed down a bit after seeing that she was afflicted by something cursed.

"Yes? Who are you? You're not normal." Wanda got vigilant and Ramiel raised his hands. "Easy, I just wanna talk. You've been delving into some crap that you shouldn't be touching."

"So you came to take away my children too..." Wanda squinted her eyes and Ramiel raised a brow.

"Children? You got kids with Vision?" Ramiel thought that was a nice touch on their relationship.

Wanda then got confused, because he didn't know about that incident. "Anyways, you've gotta stop using the darkhold woman. You're too weak to control it."

"No! You won't get my children away from me!" She had an outburst of magic and the field of trees withered.

"Hah, great. She turned crazy here, I'm so going to tell Schwarz to burn down Hollywood and the US later." Ramiel raised his hand and Wanda flew right at his hand.

He then invaded her mind and checked what made her be like that. "Go away! Get away from my head!" Wanda's eyes glowed a bright red and tried to get him out.

But he just brushed off her magic and whacked her on the face. "Stop being too noisy, geez. You need help woman, whether you like it or not."

Ramiel viewed her memories like a film and saw the incident of Wanda Vision. "Fuck me, really? You enslaved a whole town? And that girl really say the people won't know what you sacrificed? This is fucking mental. You don't mind control innocent people because you're distressed." He sighed heavily.

"Damn... Marvel really pulled out the it's fine because you lost something card. What the hell's with that? I need to see this absolute shit hole later." Ramiel then absorbed all her powers to purge the darkhold's effects on her.

"And where's Mephisto? Chthon? Morgan? They just pulled this out of their asses? She just gets the dark hold, just like that?" Ramiel was confused as hell.

He then devoured a part of Chthon's spirit that possessed Wanda's soul. Returning back to reality, he slapped Wanda awake.

"Hey you, you criminal. Get your ass in jail, get some therapy and find a hobby. Good lord, talk to people, you have friends damnit." Ramiel ruffled his hair and was really frustrated.

"W-what happened?" Wanda's corruption got yeeted away and was confused. "You were corrupted by the darkhold, dumbass. And I took care of it. And you're going to jail for your crimes against humanity." Ramiel called for Strange.

"You, I want you to lock her up. She was corrupted by the darkhold. And you knew what she did. Really? Strange? She used magic to enslave a whole town and kamar-taj did jack shit? Useless." Ramiel sighed and rubbed his temples in dismay.

"What's next? The mutants are using Twitter to announce their terrorism? And the woke fucks are telling them to combat racism? Shit, that was a flag..." He rolled his eyes and gave up.

He then gasped and remembered something important. "Jean! I need to find Jean! Damnit Charles! Everything here is going to shit." Ramiel went to the US immediately.

"Uhhh, hi." Strange greeted Wanda and she looked down in shame. "So... Where's my cell?" Wanda remembered her crimes and just accepted it.


Thank you for reading everyone, ciao.