

CHAPTER 95 – Unharmed

In order to avoid any further unexpected events from happening to Chase, everyone logically decided to watch and follow Chase from a relatively far distance.

It remained that way for a couple of minutes until Zale took a different turn, and he uttered nimbly to Chase who was ahead of him.


"Huh?" Chase's ears perked at his words, but he didn't bother to turn around to look at the young lad who had spoken to him.

"Walk forward. You are free." Zale asserted mildly. "But remember my words. I will find you and end you."

"I promise. I won't. Let Korad plead his case himself."

"Now do not look back. Run!"

Dropping his sword, Zale took a few steps back and watched as Chase took to his heels, not looking back for even a second as he sprinted ahead.