Deep Concern



Korad knew this clearly. It may be like a trap. Regardless, he threw it to the side. He had nothing to lose. The more money he had, the easier he could sail out of this kingdom to a place far away. 

He reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a black cloth then placed it on the table in front of them. 

Having seen it before, Mr. Brown's attention was piqued as he was instantly drawn more than Korad had thought he would be to the pearl. 

Slowly he opened the black cloth, unravelling the mystery they had waited for. 

Axel's eyes went wide. Staring right at his face was the most beautiful pearl he had seen. He felt drawn to it and did not know when he reached forward with his fingers to touch it. 

"Huh… Do not be too fast," Korad cautioned. He covered the pearl at once until he was sure the people with him were not going to look at the pearl like some crazy deranged souls.