I'm travelling nowhere, I fear that they are still after me I was in no position to command Justinian's armies to my will thus they are loyal to him and Shen Lian's loyalty to his master will never be broken. I sat down near a river looking at my map and hopeless, and I wept as I fear I would never have a peaceful life and forever on the run. I spent days near the river Danube and finally I travelled to the lands of Poland. Hoping to gain help and whereabouts about Sorcha which was now the ruler of the Golden Horde. I can use this for an advantage and hopefully to be reunited again, if she does still loves me or she betrothed someone already.
Before I went to her, I didn't knew her whereabouts but fortunately one of the Cuman Bodygaurds taht I hired in the last years knew her and agreed to give this letter to her. So I wrote to her in Greek the only language she seems to understand when we first met, and this was my letter:
"It has been 3 years when we last met, we parted ways when you gave me your gifted horse and I never left it. I was once a powerful megas domestikos in the Empire when we met. I led armies and commanded the respect of many and Emperor Justinian himself, the man who were supposed to married but Ivanka bested you in competition. But that day, I was betrayed by those I trusted and was hunted from the empire. I wandered for many years, lost and alone, hopeless and no solution to my clear my name if I did a crime to whoever in the Empire. I wish that you will read this letter If you want to meet again, or be reunited."
Afterwards, I gave the letter to the Cuman bodyguard and he headed off, I was in the protection of the Polish Duke as his adviser in war and diplomacy. Months have passed and I personally trained the Polish Strzelcy to shoot while using horses, similar to the Mongols so they wont be defeated by them again.
Almost a year have passed, the Cuman returned with escorts and a letter. He said to me "Roman, you are need to go to our lands, as the Khan wants to meet you." I instantly agreed, the Polish Duke gifted me a sword and a surcoat which resembles the double headed eagle of the Roman Empire. After months of travelling we have arrived at the lands of Mongols, there I saw Sorcha wearing a beautiful dress, but not clad in lavish gems unlike in Europe.
Sorcha was more taller than me, similar to our last meeting, And She was equally taken with me and we quickly became inseparable. I finally found a new purpose serving Sorcha and her people, using my military knowledge to protect them from their enemies. Together, they brought prosperity and stability to the Golden Horde for years to come.
Despite their happiness, there were those who opposed their relationship. Some said that a Nicaean ex-military leader had no place ruling alongside a Khan. But we stood strong, united in their love and their vision for the future. I was still an enemy at my homeland, however this would be my new home as we two are betrothed and soon to be married.