
After a bit more of conversating mom and dad did with Jarvis, it seemed that they had become more comfortable with his presence.

I decided to speak.

"Mom dad I hope you wouldn't mind if I upgrade the electrical equipment in the house, such as screens, clocks, telephones, microwaves, radios, telephones, refrigerators, etc"

"Woah that's awesome James, how can you even do all this but I mean we already have the new versions on the market right now so the ones we have are best available"

"Dad... I can create such a highly advanced AI while most people are still just starting on the basics have some faith"

"Well I bleieve you son, Jarvis is really cool"

"Alright I'll head back to my room"

"Sure honey"

I grabbed the Laptop and headed outside and towards the stairs I wasnt that far away so I could hear what was being talked about in the room.

"Phil did you see that our son is such a genius!"

"I know and Jarvis was so cool, who would have thought James created Jarvis, I've gotta spend more time with Jarvis"

I headed up the staircase and was moving towards my room when I heard the rushed running up the stair case.

I turned around to see who it was and it turned out to be Alex.

"Hey Alex"

"I dont believe you!"

She pointed at me in an accusatory tone.


"I dont believe you after considering for a while even someone as smart as me is incapable of creating such an AI and I'm sure even after years it will be a dream and you were never as smart as me so logically it's impossible for you to create it, So therefore it's fake!"

"Well Alex you did your Homework but here"

I reached into my pocket and fished out the USB I had copied the codes down on.

"Use the family computer to look through the codes I have written in here it will be able to prove to you that I am not lying

I made this as a backup incase my laptop was unable to run it but fair warning there is an automatic switch that will destroy all the codes in here if it were to be copied so be carefull, and also dont try to take over the automatic switch that will also trigger it and destroy all the codes in it"

Alex looked stunned for a bit and then took the USB.

"If you are telling the truth, then why are you handing me your secret on such a highly advanced AI, if I cant copy it on the desktop I can always use my hands"

"Alex I dont doubt you can copy all that code by hand, you've got the drive for it but rather I trust you as my little sister and as a part of this family... Also after your done going through it i hope you dont complain to mom and dad, Jarvis may have dumbed down his real capabilities"

"Okay James I wont break your trust... but first I need to learn how to code to understand any of the things on here haha"

"Okay you do that I'm sure that once you are through with the codes and understand them, you would not have an issue hacking into the Pentagon undetected if you want"

"The what!"

"Haha I'm joking relax good luck Alex"

No I'm being serious you can..

"Thank you"

She hugged me and I hugged her back and then she went to her room with the codes.

I headed into my room and sat on my bed.

"Jarvis what are the results about the search command I gave yesterday?"

"Sir, it seems that there is one I have tracked and confirmed it, Its school Named Nevermore Academy, it is masked as school for outcasts but after some thorough digging I have discovered that the "outcasts" there seems to be beings who are less than Human, there are werewolves, Vampires, Gorgons, Sirens and more"

Hmm according to my memory Nevermore Academy is a Show as well, the Mc of this show is Wednesday Addams.

"Jarvis hack into the database of a school named Nancy Reagan High School and check the database for a person named Wednesday Addams"

"Got it sir... there is a student named Wednesday Addams that goes there and she is 15 years old the same as you sir"

Hmm first encounter with the supernatural, how should I act, according to what I know about the show it is limited to Nevermore Academy and town and forest around it, so it doesnt affect me at all

"Jarvis where is this Nevermore academy as well as the Nancy high school located"

"Sir, Nevermore Academy is located in a remote part of San diego which is 111 miles away and Nancy high school is located on Long beach which is 20 miles away"

Hmm... it's close, and I am intrested in Supernatural... Guess it's a no brainer really.

I want to find out more about Supernatural what better way other than the Addams family, I know the most about them and there location so it should be easy to get into the supernatural world.

"Jarvis send a transfer request to my school for me to transfer into Nancy High school I'm certain they would be happy to have me transferred out"

"Done sir"

"Okay now.. Grandma..."

I think I'll just mix Sleeping pills into her drink before the wedding.

Okay now that that's done with.

"Jarvis keep on the look out for such things"

"Sir your card has been Delivered, it seems that they had sped up the delivery after they saw the Amount in your account"

"Oh about money Jarvis next time take it from some drug lord or Criminals"

"Yes sir"

Alright i guess I have time I will improve on the TV and the toaster.

As for the card, I wi pick it up tommorow.

"Jarvis is the card in a safe location?"

"Yes sir there is no chance of it being stolen"

"Alright give me its location tommorow"


Time to get to work I guess.


8 hours Later I had upgraded almost all of the devices in the house, now it's easy for Jarvis to transfer to them as it is now all high tech.

Sigh.. all in a good days work, I looked at the time.

Hmm maybe I have some time to upgrade the phones... na scratch that I'll just purchase it from the shop.

I bought five diffrent IPhones of diffrent colour each.

They were sleek and felt nice and comfortable to hold, I didnt waste much time and opened it up and got to work on improving it even more.

After 2 hours I had finished upgrading the five phones it was not anything compared to the Laptop but it still held its ground in terms of speed and space but in the end the Laptop is still way superior.

It was 5 am and everyone had long gone to bed so I'll give it to them tommorow.

I also felt exhausted after all the upgrading so I headed to bed.


The next day i woke up a bit late so everyone else was already awake so I headed down with the new phones after I found them I handed them all there own Iphones and explained it to them.

The most excited reaction was defenetly Hayleys she was hugging me way to tight out of excitement after she checked out the Camera space and speed , Alex was also excited as she got such an advanced piece of tech and she can smoothly browse through the internet and easily find information without going to the Library, dad was also pretty excited and kept playing around with it as for mom... well... she needed some help.

I then explained the various house appliance I had upgraded and how all of it worked I had also added Speakers to all the house electronics and some of them I added cameras as well which I told them about as well.

Alex and Dad seemed to have the highest interest when I was explaining them what the new functions were and how they work, Hayley was stuck to the phone and mom wasnt particularly good per say at technologies.

After that I got a notification from Jarvis.

"Sir the cards coordinates are these and as for your transfer request your principal agreed as you had predicted but the Nancy high schools principal said that he wanted to meet you in person before he accepts"

"Ugh how annoying, when do I need to meet him"

"Today at 9am"

"Great, it just so happens that today is a Thursday aswell"