Kevin Hart?

Well for now I really cant do much about this Monster, After I make Mark 5 or Mark 6 I will deal with it.

"Jarvis keep track of the monster now that you know where it is, dont lose sight of it"

"Yes Sir"

I nodded and decided to finish the holographic Table.

I spent the Night Working on that table and thanks to Jarvis's support the table was done at around 7pm the next day.

"I have a meeting with Wednesdays parents... I think I should get some sleep"

I packed up and drove home I had parked the car infront of our neighbours house and as I was getting out I heard a voice.


I turned around to see who it was and I saw the Comedian Kevin Hart, I remember he had a cameo in the show he has been our neighbour for four years even though we dont even know him.


I replied back with a smile.

"You live in that house"

He said pointing towards our house.

"Yea I do"

"Oh! Well then I'm Andre, we havent met I am your guys neighbour"

"Ohhh well nice to meet you, I'm James"

"Nice car by the way"

"Oh, thank you"

"Hey James I know who owns that house and he is your father isnt he"

"Yep he is my Dad"

"Huh weird I remember none of his kids were old enough to drive yet"

"Oh.. Well I'm not exactly old enough yet.."

"... Hey I mean... I wont tell your parents... but where did you get this car"

"Well It was a gift"

I didnt have a better excuse to tell him.

"Oh Man, this car looks awesome though, how about this I'll keep the secret of you driving around and you let me have a crack at this car sometime"


"Alright well I've got to go to work take care"

He said and went over to his car in the driveway, got in it and drove out and waved bye at me, I waved back and the car went away.

"Man that was a weird conversation... Although he is not the same Kevin Hart it's kind of cool meeting him"

I headed towards the house and headed straight to bed.

"Jarvis Wake me up when Mom and dad and the rest are released"

"Alright sir"



I got up startled from the bed and looked around.

"Jarvis what happened... What's the time"

"Sir, its 3pm and your parents have been released from the hospital currently, Mitchell and Cameron are driving them home and they are a few minutes away"

Oh... alright.

I got of the bed and headed to clean myself and make something to eat while I waited.

I made a grilled cheses sandwich that looked really delicious and was about to eat it when the doors bell was rung.

I got up from the chair and went to open the doors and was met with mom, dad, Hayley, Alex, Luke, uncle Mitchell and Cameron and Manny.

"Hey guys so you are back home"

"Hey James, The doctors have told us to not let them put stress on there bodies, me and uncle Cameron would stay but we have to babysit Manny while Dad and Gloria have gone on there honeymoon..."

Uncle Mitchell said that and tried walking away quickly but I put my hand on his shoulders stopping him right there.

I looked at him with a smile.

"Uncle Mitchell, Luke is Mannie's age we should let them have some time and I have somewhere to be, so I think it's best if you stay"

I turned to look at Uncle Cameron.

"you wouldn't mind helping right, Uncle Cameron?"

I gave uncle Cameron my best innocent smile, Afterall I know my family and if they cant exert stress on there bodies, that means they would not bother to fix there messes leaving me to do it and it seems uncle Mitchell already knows that... but uncle Cameron... Haha he is too new.

"Wait cam.. arrg.."

I squeezed uncle Mitchell's shoulders to stop him from convincing Uncle Cameron against helping.

"Please Uncle Cameron"

He looked as if he was considering and completely ignored the pained hand movements of Uncle Mitchell.

"I would love to help James"

"Thanks Uncle Cameron you are the best"

I hugged him when I heard mom whisper something to dad.

"I'm so proud of him"

I didn't stay and headed upstairs to get dressed, after I got dressed I headed downstairs to get my grilled cheese sandwich but saw that Mom was already finish it up.

I left the house yelling that I will be back at night and walked out.

"Phew, it's best if Uncle Cameron and Mitchell deal with them for a bit"

I thought aloud as I headed towards my Car.

There was still 2 Hours to the meeting so I drove around before Jarvis notified me that the chair has been delivered to the safe house the credit card had been delivered to before, so I drove over and picked the box containing the chair and loaded it into the car and drove to the warehouse and opened up the box revealing a comfortable looking white coloured chair.

I rolled around on it for a bit and then spent the rest of the time reading the science knowledge Jarvis had compiled.

Soon it became time to drive over to the Addams House and meet them and I was beggining to feel nervous, but I calmed myself on the drive there.

I arrived at the driveway gates which opened up so I drove in and arrived at the main gates where Lurch was standing infront of opened doors.

I stopped my car infront of the gates, switched off the car and got out of it.


"Mister James please follow me"

I nodded and started following Lurch through the creepy yet neat halls.

There were plenty of pictures hung up on the walls with Candles providing light even though it was lunch right now it seemed like it was night time in these halls as there were no windows to allow light to enter the place.