Arc reator

I spent 3 whole hours creating the new Arc reactor from Scratch and then spent another Hour improving my gun, Jarvis had already finished making the cage and the monster was locked inside getting its head crushed every few minutes, Jarvis had also ended up building an extra arm within 3 hours.

It built it so fast mainly due to it being a machine with absolute precision and speed while I am still a human who experiences Fatigue, Mistakes etc.

"Jarvis, Deassemble the Mark 5 Armour, and use the old arc reactor to power this whole warehouse"

I told to Jarvis as right now the only thing in my sights was a beautifully glowing Triangular Arc reactor.

I smiled happily feeling accomplished at creating this and also looking forward to using the new armour.

Thanks to this new Arc Reactor, I will have the stronger laser repulser, More power! More Attack damage!

I slid my hands through my slightly long blonde hair feeling a sense of accomplishment, I turned to look at the cage where the Immortal wendigo was getting its Head smashed and screeching in pain with a smile.

"I will Agree, I was Overconfident... But tell me Honestly, According to when I saw your slight strength increase, anyone with missiles on the ready and a Iron Man armour would be Overconfident... But these things dont seem to follow Logic or rather it does follow it's own Logic, which is completely foreign to me, I know more of you will Show up soon and I will make sure, That by then I am Confident in facing more of you"

It growled at me when it heard what I said.

"Oh... How intresting it seems that it can understand me, must be due to humans it are, it should have gotten a understanding from them.

Previously I was actually studying Science at a casual pace as I felt that the iron man armour was enough and Jarvis was just overkill so I was not actually have a sense of urgency, and i also dont have any real combat experience, or else I would have dodged that punch instead of instinctively clashing with it causing the destruction of my armour

I got up from my table and grabbed the Phone I had made for Wednesday and started Heading toward the car entered the drivers seat and immediately closed my nose...

"Its was a horrible idea to leave the car shut of for so long with blood all over the Backseat"

Previously I had used the backseat to have full body recovery which didnt take long as my main injuries was absorbed by the armour so I was relatively fine, after i had used that I must just switched of the car and started working on the Arc reactor and got to engrossed into its creation and forgot about the car.

I rolled down the windows and started the car and drove toward the gates which opened and I drove off onto to road, while telling Jarvis to start the creation of Mark 6.

[Ding, Episode 1 of Wednesday has Ended]


[Calculting Sub plot changes... 3 out of 4... Points awarded.. 7500 spoints]

Brilliant, just like that 7.5k spoints huh, it's almost to easy.

I am guessing the sub plots were the School in the beggining where she almost gets the attempted murder charges, Fencing where her pride is damaged by Bianca and Therapy where she escapes but this time didnt and therefore leading to her never meeting Tyler, the fourth subplot must be the Harvest festival where everything goes the same as it did in the TV show.

[That is correct]

"Well that's great"

I sped up and soon arrived at the school super late into the night, the Audi I drive is electric so it makes very less sound when I want it to so i snuck into the school grounds really quietly after exiting the car a bit distance away and quietly made my way through the school without being caught and soon made it to my room which I unlocked and entered felling physically and mentally exhausted.

I didn't pay much attention to my room and just headed straight to the bath after dropping my clothes on the ground, I heard the clanking noise the gun made but, there was no one here so I didnt really care, I headed into the Bathroom and had a super relaxing hot bath for 20 minutes, I got out feeling refreshed and sleepy put on a towel on my lower body and exited the Bathroom letting out a relaxed sigh.

"Nice gun"

I suddenly froze and body tensed up as I looked towards the direction of the voice.


Damn It when I am making the super soilder serum I should add something like a spider sense type of thing... I'll figure it when I'm doing it but great ideas here, anyway back to Wednesday.

I looked at her and my body relaxed a bit as I knew she would not hurt me and even if she tried to use that gun loaded and aimed at me, it would not work as i didnt spend an hour doing nothing on that gun afterall, I added a upgrade for situations like this, I used the holographic technology and made it so that to fire the gun, it would need to recognize me and that can be done through fingerprint sensor on the common gun holding places.

And as a added security I also added a camera so that Jarvis can confirm whether I am in danger with this gun and disable the shooting mechanism, I looked over at Wednesday feeling slight relaxed.

"What is it Wednesday?"

She looked at me with a slight smirk that I didnt fail to notice on her face, she is propably feeling full power in this situation isnt she.

"You knew what that was from the start, I saw how you had your gun held while watching Rowan but never shot even when he strangled me rather you waited, and boom that Monster came around and killed Rowan yet you still didnt fire the gun at the Monster rather kept it aimed at it, almost as if you knew that it would not attack me but was just being there to be a safety net of sorts for me, this entire things seems to be a play masterfully done, I would have honestly fallen into it and started searching for the Monster if you weren't there...."

"What makes you so confident that I would not let you get hurt or even killed?"

"You made the decision to give up your life to protect mines back at that resturant"

"Oh yea but that could have simply been instinct"

"That's impossible, I have seen how you logically perform tasks at a high pressure situation, the fencing match with Bianca and me, And even just now when you saw me with the gun pointed at you even though you know its loaded, your body relaxed showing that you had the situation under control."

"Haha Fair enough Wednesday, I did know exactly what was gonna happen and I know exactly what will happen to you if I dont interfere, it is inevitable afterall"