Episode End

After a bit of chating with Hayley the system rang.

[Ding, Episode 2 of Wednesday has Ended]

[Calculting Sub plot changes... 2 out of 3... Points awarded.. 8,300 spoints]

Great so now I have a grand Total of 18,000 spoints so 32,000 spoints more and I will be able to unlock Iron Man 3 Knowledge, I am looking forward to the Extremis, Maybe I can mix it up with Super Soilder Serum.

I spent the rest of the night studying and I was getting pretty close to finishing Level 2 by tommorow it should be done I believe.

The next day we were informed about how the Outreach Day will be held next week so everyone was really looking forward to that.

To me it would be boring but I am looking forward to see if Wednesday Burns the statue down like she has done in the show.

That was a cool scene.

The classes were really getting boring at this point, well classes like Maths and Physics even though they are advanced compared to my current knowledge they dont hold a candle, If you were to ask some really complex question in Maths or Physics out of the Blue I'd be able to answer it without even writing anything down in a few seconds... Its truly to easy.

I met up with Wednesday and I worked on sharpening my skills which went well for me, I had much less injuries compared to the Previous "spar" and I was making progress fast.

I got back from the spar and entered my dorm room when Jarvis Informed me about the armour.

"Sir The Mark 6 Armour has been created along with the The Gearing up dock"

Okay perfect now all I need to do is study up this science pack of all 5 levels and I will be ready to Create My Version of Supersoilder serum.

I opened up the files and started studying through them.

The next day was quiet similar to the previous one but today I finished Level 2 and I excitedly opened up the Level 3 only to see huge amounts of Information inside it.

"Jarvis if you were to estimate, how long would it take for me to complete the rest of three levels?"

"Sir, If I calculate it using the speed you have been going through each of them I would have to say at most a year"

"Ha... Yea fuck that shit"

Why should I have to waste so much time studying all of this, Why cant I just create something that will help me study all this?