Chapter 65 A "Non-Chaotic" family

In a big Backyard the smell of grilled meat wafting freely through the air and if you looked closer you would notice a family, A big family all sitting together in the Backyard happily talking and enjoying the meal.

"Hey I wonder how come mom didnt come to Dad's wedding?" Claire asked Mitchell who was sat opposite to her and Phil, as he was about to bite into a burger whilst sat besides Cameron.

"I dont know, Last I heard from her she said that she will be going around America for a while to 'Find Herself' I dont know why she didnt attend the Wedding she was pretty adamant about coming to the wedding before"

Mitchell tried thinking about what reason Dede would not attend and Claire took a few more sips than intended from a wine glass when Jay interrupted.

"Ah! Let's stop talking about Dede who knows what goes on in that womens head, Let's enjoy what we have got here" Jay seemed reluctant talking about Dede infront of Gloria so he diverted everyone attention to the food.

"And Dont you guys know, James is gonna start a company for himself, With me investing in it to get it running"

"What!" Claire, Phil, Mitchell, Cameron all said at the same time looking equally as surprised about what Jay had just said and they turned to look at James.

James who was sitting besides Hayley and Wednesday and seemed to be enjoying the burger froze and looked around.

(James pov)

Says Who!

I didnt say nothing about starting a company, I said I'll think about it! "I Will Think About It"

Everyone was staring at me making me feel this urge to speak and I mean by now Everyone was.

"Uhh, Grandpa I'm not sure starting a company is a good idea, I want to focus on school right now"

"Haha James you've got a certain talent so what's school gonna do for you huh? Dont you know school is used to teach students skills that's gonna help them earn money and since you already have the skills, what's the point of wasting time on school?"

"Grandpa, maybe it's to early to be thinking about starting a company..."

"Nonsense, The earlier the better you have such a amazing product just sitting out there what's the need to wait so much"

Grandpa seemed reluctant to back down and everyone was staring at me so I couldnt just refuse again as that would propably sour the mood of grandpa, And I dont wanna do that, he seems to be so happy ever since he got married, I dont wanna dampen down the mood anyways.

"Dad even if James were to start a buisness he is to young to be able to manage it so there is no point in him starting that Buisness so soon"

Mom decided to interfere as there was an awkward silence growing on table.

"Ah Jay, umm Claire is right, James is to young to properly do Buisness"

Gloria also intervened and tried convincing Grandpa and that seems to have sort of done the trick as he looked over at Gloria and then back at me seeming reluctant.

"Okay... Fine"

He seemed to have backed down and started eating the steak he cooked only for himself.

"Umm Dad why do you want James to start a buisness so young anyways?"

Uncle Mitchell asked grandpa Jay the question that was floating around in my head.

"Ah... it's nothing, Let's just enjoy the food"

Grandpa did not provide an answer and kept his head low and just kept eating.

Uncle Mitchell looked towards and mom also didnt know what was happening so we just silently continued eating the food until Phil spoke again.

"So hey, Mitchell I heard you guys were planning on adop-- Awoo! What was that for?"

Oh yeah...I had heard from Hayley one day that when Uncle Mitchell and Cameron had come to our house for dinner, Uncle Cameron let it slip that they were thinking of Adopting a baby and then they had basically begged Mom and Dad to not tell Grandpa about it which must have been pretty funny to see unfortunately I wasnt there to see it.

So When dad was gonna talk about there adoption plans carelessly propably because of the few drinks he had before the lunch, it seems that Uncle Cameron who was sat opposite of him gave him a quick kick on the leg his expression had changed as he was now staring at dad with squinted eyes and a serious face.

"What? Did I hear Phil say you two were thinking about Adopting?" Grandpa Jay's Mood which seemed down changed really fast as he was now beginning to laugh "God I cant wait to see what you two screwups will do, but seriously adopting a child who is gonna be the mother??"

Uncle Cameron looked ready to announce there decision to adopt a child proudly however from my angle I saw Uncle Mitchell put his hands on Uncle Cameron as if telling him to stop.

"Uhh Dad no we were just thinking about Adopting a Dog" Uncle Mitchell meekly told Grandpa, it's so weird as I have the image of what Uncle Mitchell will be like in 11 years and the current him just does not match up in boldness to his future self.

And even Grandpa was as nice as he could get to Uncle Mitchell and Uncle Cameron in the future which I found it hard to imagine seeing them now.

Oh... now that I think about what all happens in the future I think I may have an idea as to why Grandpa Jay was pushing me to start a buisness.

However for now it's only a guess.

Grandpa looked over at Mitchell and laughed again.

"Mitch I dont know what is worse a dog that craps everywhere in your house or a Baby that is no better Haha"

How weird, seeing as Grandpa loved his Dog in the future yet, Here he is crapping on dogs, well now that I think about it, It did take time for Dad to get warmed up to that dog in the beggining he wanted nothing more than to throw the dog away.

Its funny how Gloria was the one who ended up suffering because of the Dog Haha.

"Dad dont bully mitch so much..." huh? mom is defending Mitch how very very uncommon of her to do "he might start crying Haaa!" Nope still the same mom.

"Claire come on dont be mean to Mitchell"

Dad who was sat besides mom asked her and mom stopped her laughing slightly and looked over to Uncle Mitchell "Okay... Mitch I couldnt help it, however I dont know about Dad"

I looked over at Grandpa Jay who was freely laughing his ass of.

Then I looked towards Wednesday who seemed to be enjoying the chaos in my Family.