Chapter 70 Events Set Into Motion

I looked over at Mom and decided to do a special hand sign we had made back in Colombia.

It was meant to communicate between eachother when we could not speak aloud due to our surroundings.

I started to do the Hand signs when Mom looked over at me, the hand sign I did meant that I needed to talk to her privately.

Mom saw my Hand sign and nodded looking at me slightly confused.

"umm.. excuse me everyone... I need Manny to come with me"

"Gloria, is everything alright?" Jay asked mom looking confused as to what the matter was, Mom seemed to have wanted to say something, But im assuming that due to her developing English, She didnt say anything and looked to be in a tight spot so I quickly intervened.

"Jay I want to tell my mother something in private do you mind?"

"Haha, Manny we are all family here there is no shame in saying it here"

"I appreciate that offer Jay, However this is something I need to say in private" I stood up and left the chair with mom following me, We walked further away from them deeper into the backyard, Until we were out of earshot.

Once there I turned to mom ready to say That I had confirmed that Wednesday was possesed by the devil however she spoke first ruining my built up momentum.

"Manny what happened?"

"Umm Mom i think... James's Girlfriend is possessed by a demon"

"Huh! Manny!" She started moving her hands touching her shoulders then heads and finnaly putting her hands together and started asking for forgiveness to Jesus in Spanish before she looked at me.

"Manny! we dont say its name loudly! And Wednesday is possessed by no evil spirit, Dont speak bad about behind them... err no... Ah yes dont speak bad about them behind there backs!" She smacked me on my head in anger which hurt, eventhough she didnt put much strength behind it.

"But mom I swear I even did a test to see whether she was possesed by the dev... Evil spirits"

"Manny this is enough" mom started walking back to the table in anger as I felt panic arise, I knew she was possesed by the dev... I mean evil spirits.

"Mom but please just check!" I hurried after mom and spoke in Spanish hoping to appeal to mom and tried my best to look cute.

She turned around and stared at me and after a few seconds, She let out a sigh "Ahh, How can I refuse when you act like this.... Fine I will check, but if you wrong then... Then you will say sorry to them, SI?"

"Si mama" she nodded and walked back to the table I followed her and we sat back on the table.

I finnaly felt relived, I knew mom was a exorcist and she could feel evil spirits around when she concentrated on looking for them, she had exorcised many places back in colombia.

(Claire Pov)

"Dad what do you think they are talking about?"

"Ah propably nothing, who cares"

Dad said that however he seemed to have been wondering himself what they were talking about, I wanted to sneak up and eavesdrop on what they were talking about however when I took a quick glance at Phil, It was like he somehow knew exactly what I was gonna do and just shook his head side to side.

"Come on Phil"

"Claire they deserve to have there own secrets, If you do that wont they not feel safe in this house and They will not trust us as well"

"Yeah Claire, I feel like I am building good trust with Gloria so dont ruin it" Mitchell joined Phil and took advantage of this situation to throw a jab at me.

"Shut it Mitch and you have barely spoken to her, How exactly are you building good trust huh?" I asked feeling annoyed.

"Well... Uh... hmmm let's see...Ah ha! that's right, when we speak it just feels like me and Gloria click with eachother, Its Like...umm... its Like we understand eachothers th..."

I saw Cams hand move and pat Mitch's Back to stop him from continuing as, Now he was just embarrassing himself.

We all knew he didnt exactly like Gloria, as he had spoken to her maybe once or twice and it was barely a few sentences.

I mean she was afterall taking over the role his dear mommy had so ofcourse he didnt like her very much

I ignored Mitch and wanted to try convincing Phil to let me eavesdrop, Howver that didnt go well as I hopped as Phil was just being super stubborn yet I was no less stubborn than him.


"Bu.. Ugh fine whatever who cares about what they are talking about" but in the end he somehow convinced me against it.


"I think I will just make sure they arent talking ba.."

"Claire just leave it"


(3rd Person Pov)

Gloria and Manny sat on table and resumed eating there foods and Claire looked like she wanted to ask about what they were talking but decided against it.

Claire looked around and saw that Wednesday had been gone for a while now and was about ask wondering where Wednesday had gone for so long but saw Wednesday exit out of the House and walk upto the table and sit down.

Claire just shrugged at it thinking, That Wednesday is a Female so obviously she would take longer.

James also soon came out with a victorious smile present on his face and the people around the table seemed to understand why he was feeling so victorious, as they all knew about this game Hayley and James had been playing since childhood and they all knew how often James won at it.

James looked towards the table feeling proud of himself and looked around for his phone however he couldnt find it so he asked Wednesday whether she knew where it was when he got closer to the table.

When he asked Wednesday, Her normal expression changed as slowly a smile filled with malicious intent appeared on her face as she remembered the fact that he had taken that pictures of her instead of bothering to move her or warn her about the incoming flock of birds she could have avoided.

Gloria who was sat a bit further away seemed to have flicked her head slightly over to look at Wednesday as she had a slight frown growing on her face

With this, Now leading us back to present to see what will happen, now that these events have been set into motion by the Family.