Chapter 97 The video

North was in a state of anxiousness as he hastily retrieved his body camera from his locker.

His heart was racing, and his mind was clouded with worry as he made his way to the Colonel's Office.

On the way he walked past the medical ward, where he stopped and looked towards the ward, North couldn't help but feel a sense of heaviness in his chest.

He couldn't shake off the image of injured soldiers lying in their beds, waiting for their wounds to heal. With a heavy heart, he saluted the ward before continuing on his way towards the Conels office where he arrived three minutes later panting and out of breath

With a tight grip on the camera, as it was his only source of evidence.

After knocking on the door, he informed the Colonel of his arrival and waited anxiously for a response.

The wait was short, and Colonel Banks quickly allowed North entry into his office.

North opened the door and stepped inside, taking a quick look around.

He noticed the open windows and deduced that the Colonel probably needed some fresh air.

North walked further into the room as he closed the door behind him.

"Colonel, here's the body camera," North said, his voice slightly shaky.

He placed the camera on the Colonel's desk and stepped back, waiting for a response. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for the Colonel's reaction.

The Colonel had a laptop on his desk, and he quickly took out the memory card from the camera and plugged it into his computer. A file which contained a sole video appeared on his laptop, and he clicked on it.

In the video, you could hear Lieutenant Colonel North ordereing his soldiers to activate their body cameras as they exited their vehicles.

The soldiers were all spread out evenly across the mountain range to make the search and rescue operation quicker.

North and his small squad of hand picked soldiers approached a cave fully geared for a search and rescue, and the video showed them doing a final routine check-up before they decided to enter the Cave.

As the video played showing ths soldier doing final check-up on there equipment, Colonel Banks had a odd expression on his face but didnt say anything.

The Colonel continued watching the video quietly as North and his team started getting closer towards the cave when Suddenly, they heard a sound that sounded like a jet or a rocket flying through the air echoing through the tunnel of the Cave.

The sound kept getting louder by the second, and North commanded his squad to step back and load their weapons.

North and his team stepped away from the cave, and the other teams around them also stopped searching.

They were all attracted by the ever growing sound coming from the cave and wanted to see what was gonna come out.

North and his squad had their guns loaded as they waited for whatever was causing the sound to exit the cave.

They were ready for whatever came out of the cave as the sound kept getting closer by the second.

The sound reached its peak very soon, and a red flash passed by the lens of the camera, blasting past North and all the soldiers, pushing them onto the ground due to the heavy winds smashing into the soldiers left behind by whatever the red blur was and causing a huge amount of dust to follow it.

Some soldiers were coughing, while others covered their mouths and noses with their hands or a piece of cloth. The dust left them all stunned, but North and the higher-ranking soldiers if the nearby squads quickly recovered and stood back up.

North looked around, coughing slightly, as the camera caught sight of something red floating in the sky, the Dust that surrounded the Red Blur in the sky was getting seemingly magically pushed away and very soon the dust got pushed enough that the Red blur was slightly visible.

It could be seen through the camera that the Red Blur had flames leaving its palms and legs.

North quickly rushed to his vehicle to grab a loudspeaker

his hands shaking as he fumbled to retrieve the loudspeaker.

He felt a sense of foreboding as he aimed his gun at the mysterious figure, wondering who or what it could be. The strong wind caused by the figure howling still howling around him.

With the speaker in hand, North took a deep breath and stepped forward.

As the dust settled around the figure, he could see the mysterious figure more clearly, a dark silhouette against the bright sky.

He squinted, trying to make out any details of the red cover, wondering what kind of being could be cloaked in such a thing with flames leaving its Hands and legs.

North's voice shook with nervousness as he spoke into the microphone, it could be seen through the video that his palms were sweating against the cold metal of the loudspeaker.

"Put Your Hands Up In The Air!" he called out, trying to sound authoritative. His mind raced with questions, wondering what kind of response he would receive. He felt vulnerable and exposed, standing out in the open like this against a completely unknown entity, but he knew that he had to stay strong, no matter what.

Colonel Banks furrowed his brow in deep thought as to what he was seeing while North just stood there hoping that this video would be enough.