Chapter 102 The Catch

"I don't want any more offers from you," I snarled, my palms crackling with blue energy with my fingers getting closer to the activation of the Embomb.

I didn't wait and a blue laser got shot out my armours palms shooting towards the Frog.

The frog's body turned into Sand upon impact making my laser completely useless, leaving a small burnt mark on the grass.

It was not noticeable, and could easily be passed of as something hit that place during the storm so I didnt worry.

The frogs Body reformed as it chuckled, its beady eyes glinting with malice. "Oh, but this time I'm sure you'd be interested

After all, you wouldn't want your family happily celebrating inside to suddenly suffocate from the sand that you brought inside after the storm, would you? And I don't think the trick you used to escape last time would work that easily. Plus, where are you even going to run to, even if your EmBomb works?" It crackled menacingly.

"Are you perhaps gonna leave your family to die just to save yourself?"it said and crackled excited at such a prospect " That would quiet the entertaining sight to see"

My frustration and anger boiled over, and I gritted my teeth in fury.

It seemed like no matter what I did, this world was determined to crush me.

My carefully crafted plans and weapons against being that might come after my family were all completely useless against this sand monster who was insanely fast and could easily avoid physical attacks, and I was left feeling completely trapped

The sand frog's grin stretched wider, its eyes gleaming with anticipation. It was as if it relished the fact that I was at its mercy, a mere pawn in its game. "You see, James," it said, dragging out each syllable for effect. "The offer goes something like this - I will protect you."

My mind raced trying to figure out just what the frog meant by protecting me, I remember it clearly tried to kill so why did it have such a sudden change of heart?

"What's the catch" I asked sure that there must be something else.

The sand frog seemed to sense my hesitation, its grin growing even wider. "That's the fun thing about this offer, James," it cackled, enjoying my discomfort. "The catch is that you have to create more Totenkbraus. Simple, isn't it?"

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the creature's words. It wanted me to continue creating more Totenkbraus in exchange for its protection, This was just riddled with suspicious behaviours.

It first wanted me to stop creating new Totenkbrau and it wants me to do the exact opposite and on top of that, it wants to protect me.

This deal is just to good to be true...

I knew that agreeing to the frog's terms was risky, but I didn't have much of a choice, I'm sure that it was either this or everyone inside dying so I closed my eyes for a moment to steady myself before looking directly at the creature.

"I accept this deal," I said, my voice barely above a whisper, Hoping for the best.

The frogs cackles got much louder echoing throughout the area as its body started dissolving into sand "I'll be seeing You around James" it said as its frogs body dissolved into sand and disappeared, I was left standing alone with my thoughts. What had I just gotten myself into? Was this really worth it?

P3-Variation: As I turned to head back to Grandpa Jay's house, the backdoor suddenly opened, and Wednesday stepped out. Her expression was as stoic as ever, but I could sense a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"You're back, huh? What was that sound?" she asked.

I hesitated for a moment before answering. "It was... nothing," I said, hoping she would drop the subject.

"So what happened back there, why did Jarvis loose contact with your suit?"

"Oh, it was actually nothing! Turns out it was just some connection problems happened due to me being deep in the mountains"

She didn't look convinced, but she didn't press me further. "So where is the Wendigo?" she asked instead as she walked closer to me.

"It's locked away," I replied, unmasking myself. "It was a simple retrieval job."

She nodded and nodded her head signalling me to follow her.

"Come In, I'm sure they would be happy to see you" I smiled and nodded as I started walking towards the Backdoor following Wednesday.

"Oh right... Hey, Wednesday I wont be able to stay for long" I said as we were walking and she stopped and turned around.

"Why?" She asked, her tone not betraying any emotions.

"I've got to go and set up another warehouse, to properly dismount my armour and place the... Wendigo in a safe place" I said last part hesitantly but I felt I had to make my leave more convincing.

During the flight Jarvis had officially purchased the bunker in the mountains, and had ordered for the parts needed to build the arms and stands and various other material for different items I planned on getting Jarvis to build during my flight back home.

All of the parts should arrive in about 5 to 6 hours at a house Jarvis purchased not to far from the mountain, this was mainly due to Jarvis paying a super high premium for all of these items, delivery.

"Okay" Wednesday simply nodded and continued walking towards the house.

As we entered the house, I was greeted by the sight of my family, all of them smiling happily. It was a welcome change from the tension and danger I had faced in the mountains. "Hey guys," I said, my spirits lifting.

"James! You... uh.. you're back!" Gloria exclaimed, rushing over to hug me.

"James!" I heard Luke as he also rushed towards me, and anticipating the two bodies about to crash into me at full speed I quickly dodged using all if my skills.

I could handle Luke jumping on me at full speed but... Gloria...

(Narrator Pov)

As James caught his family upto speed, Colonel Banks was gearing up to leave in style.

Colonel Banks looked every bit the distinguished military officer as he donned his decorated uniform, adorned with multiple medals. With a blacked-out Mercedes and a convoy of black SUVs for his safety, arranged by the president himself, he set off towards his destination.

His hand tightly gripping a black leather rectangular bag, Colonel Banks climbed into the backseat of the Mercedes. His face, set in a stoic expression, betrayed no emotions.

Accompanied by a military plane, Colonel Banks was en route to the White House.

James had his own plans to attend to.

After bidding a swift goodbye to his family, James took off into the sky, the car carrying Wednesday back to Nevermore as he flew towards the mountains, headed to the mountain bunker.

The bunker, purchased by Jarvis, required installation of equipment to properly dismount my armor, and James had to take care of it. Despite the work ahead, he felt prepared and ready to tackle the task at hand.