Chapter 113 Ravenous Hunger

Beep... Beep.. Beep..Beep...

A monotonous beeping sound of an alarm clock played inside his armour for what felt like an eternity by none other than Jarvis, in an attempt to awaken James from his Deep sleep.

James' eyes shot open as he jolted up from his slumber, wincing as he felt the sharp pain in his shoulders and back, He adjusted himself to get rid of some of the pain, but that didnt result In much decrease in it.

He rubbed his eyes and looked around as he observed his surroundings, taking in the sight of his car parked a little further away with cardboard boxes and the Ruined Frequency-Pulser and Six arms that were not moving at all as he began to remember everything that happened before he had drifted of to sleep.

"Right.." he said as he put his palms on his face in annoyance "I fell asleep..." he said before slowly standing up and looking at his body, James let out a groan as he rubbed his tired eyes, remembering that he had fallen asleep in his Armour.

"Well.. That explains the pain in my body" he said as he realized that sleeping in the Armour ever again was not the best idea.

"Note to self, never sleep in this damn armour again," he grumbled as he stumbled towards his car still feeling half asleep.

As James approached the Audi, Jarvis's voice responded out "Good Morning, Sir, Currently its 10am you have been asleep for approximately 12 Hours" Jarvis informed him dutifully.

"Your parents have called you approximately 10 times before I was forced to inform them about how busy you were getting a much needed rest and Miss, Wednesday called approximately seven times before she stopped and asked for an explanation, To who I informed about how busy you were and they both requested a call back, Principal Weems on the other hand has also called you once"

James nodded his head as he still in a half asleep state as he stumbled towards the car.

He remembered that he had asked Jarvis to get him food using the Audi before he fell asleep so he predicted that the food will still be in the car, Cold sure but He didnt care about that.

He could feel his empty stomach and dry throat as he tried swallowing his saliva and knew that first he had to get Water and food into his system before he deals with anything such as the calls.

When He opened the cars front doors James was hit with the warm and inviting aroma of fried chicken, following the scent James eyes landed on the Back seat where he saw that there were two large buckets.

his eyes widened as he looked closer after rubbing his eyes slightly, he felt his mouth water at the sight of two large buckets filled to the brim with crispy, golden chicken, His stomach grumbled even louder.

The inside of the car was like a sauna, and James realized that this was Jarvis's way of keeping the food warm and fresh.

He couldn't help but smile at the thoughtfulness of his AI assistant as Jarvis had turned the Tempreture all the way up to keep the food from going cold and soggy.

The scent of the chicken was so tantalizing that James felt like he could almost taste it in his mouth.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the aroma.

His stomach growled again, aching with hunger. He felt weak and dizzy, as he felt his hunger get amplified by the smell.

James approached the backseat of the car with caution keeping the food in his eyes sight the entire time, afraid that the food might disappear into thin air if he made a wrong move.

He carefully opened the door slowly and peered inside, seeing not only the buckets of chicken but an array of other mouth-watering foods and drinks.

He couldn't believe his luck - he was starving and here was a feast laid out before him, all thanks to the consideration of Jarvis,

James could imagine it wouldnt have been the easiest task for Jarvis to get this food from the resturant as there was nobody actually driving the car so it must have been a really awkward and weird transaction as Jarvis must have asked the resturant worker to pit the food into the back of a car with no driver yet a voice.

James sat down on the floor, he couldn't help but feel like a ravenous animal, ready to pounce on its prey.

He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the food containers against his skin.

He could hear his heart beating in his chest, and his mouth watered in anticipation of the first bite.

As he exhaled the breath James's eyes flung open as he stared at the chicken like a wild beast, James eyes had never been sharper and he began devouring the Chicken and fried along with the drinks.

As he exhaled the Breath, James's eyes Flung open as he stared at the buckets of fried chicken before him.

His eyes glinted with a fervor that could only be described as ravenous.

In that moment, he was no longer James, but a wild beast with one goal:

To devour the food before him.

He tore into the chicken with a ferocity that would make a lion blush, savoring each succulent bite, The other food items and drinks were not spared either, as James consumed them with reckless abandon.

Now, I would continue to go into a detailed description of just how James Devoured the food but that would not be the most appropriate thing to read so I am gonna save your guys imagination and skip that part.

After what felt like a good Hour of eating for James, He was left feeling as full as balloon that's about to pop.

"Jarvis when is the delivery for the Materials gonna arrive?"

"As a matter of fact Sir, It has already arrived" Jarvis said as James had a smile grow on his face as he stood up full of energy ready to tackle all of the challenges that would arise in his journey to make this Bunker secure against the Frog.