Chapter 131 Black Gem

As I descended closer to the ground, my vision sharpened, and everything became more visible. A thought crossed my mind, "How slow." The soldiers around me appeared to be moving in slow motion, their actions dragging on.

I realized that my eyes hadn't adjusted to their speed, the normal human pace. After experiencing speeds like Mach 4, everything now seemed to be crawling, including myself. I yawned, bored by the sluggishness. Instead of rushing or speeding up, I allowed my eyes to adapt gradually to the normal human speed.

Looking around the military base, I witnessed helicopters engulfed in flames and soldiers lying lifeless on the ground. Some had their bodies partially vaporized, with blood seeping onto the red-stained earth. Fear was etched in the eyes of the remaining soldiers as they clung tightly to their guns.

Blackout, sprawled out on the ground, caught my attention. Half of its body had crashed into the base, shrouded in black smoke and the embers of fire. I glanced at Blackout and realized its head was missing. The force of my blow must have ripped its head off.

Curiosity piqued, I wanted to search for Blackout's head, but my attention was drawn back to its body as I noticed movement. Scorponok, a minor Decepticon, emerged from Blackout's back and transformed into a scorpion, performing a mid-air somersault. Its sharp claws extended, ready to make contact with the ground and escape.

A warm sensation spread across my right palm as I activated my laser. With my hands extended, I aimed at Scorponok, a smile forming on my face. I was ready to obliterate it. The laser whined, charging up for a powerful beam. Just as it reached maximum power, my gaze shifted a few centimeters behind Scorponok, catching something intriguing.

On top of Blackout's lifeless body, a swirling mass of black particles materialized, forming a small ball. It resembled black electricity swirling in a circular motion. Fascinated, I refrained from firing the laser, captivated by this phenomenon unfolding before me.

I observed the swirling mass closely, noticing its increasing density with each passing second. My vision adjusted to normal human speed as the swirling intensified and grew larger. I pondered if this was the process that occurred before the creation of a Totenkbrau, the clashing of supernatural particles.

In a split second, I made the decision to shoot the fully charged laser at the black circular mass. A slight ache throbbed in my chest, reminding me of the kind of being about to be created—an immortal entity. Clenching my teeth, I watched the black particles completely envelop Blackout, condensing rapidly into a solidified black crystal.

Confusion filled my mind

but I didn't let that stop me. The bright yellow/orange laser escaped my palms, propelling me backward into the air with tremendous force, traveling at light speed. The impact felt like being hit by a truck, causing dizziness and disorientation as the little thrusters behind me blasted to stabilize my body.

I watched intently as the laser approached the black crystal. The explosion of light was blinding, drowning out the surrounding brightness. The soldiers nearby instinctively covered their eyes, their screams mingling with the chaos. The blast resonated in my ears, piercing through my noise reduction system, causing sharp pain.

My vision blurred momentarily, but as the noise subsided, I regained my senses and witnessed the expanding black explosion. Those unfortunate enough to be close to the blast lost their lives instantly, their bodies turning into lifeless husks upon contact. Even from a distance, the soldiers suffered, their ears bleeding profusely as they desperately covered them.

I stared in awe at the aftermath of the explosion, observing the destruction it caused. My eyes widened as I witnessed the black crystal's transformative power. Thunderous silence filled the air for a moment, interrupted only by the deafening noise of thunder above. I looked up, pupils dilated, and for a brief second, I saw thousands of thunderbolts descending toward me.

The next instant, I felt the thunderbolts strike my right arm, sending electrifying sensations coursing through my veins and muscles. The pain was indescribable, as if my entire arm was being ripped to shreds by the clash of fire and lightning. I gasped for breath, the agony overwhelming my senses, but I refused to yield.

The burning sensation extended throughout my arm, intensifying the torment.

My body felt like it was shutting down as the pain spread. In that moment, I stopped breathing, only to be jolted back to consciousness, letting out an ear-piercing scream of agony.

The pain seemed to stretch on for days, although it lasted only a few seconds.

The clash between the burning and electrifying sensations ceased as abruptly as it had begun, leaving me gasping for air and my mind teetering on the edge of darkness.

My body tumbled downward, hurtling toward a sand dune. My armor however adjusted itself, preventing any damage upon impact. However, my right arm was worse for wear, its fist slightly mangled and devoid of color.

Jarvis's voice resounded inside my helmet, breaking the eerie silence, "This is truly odd and fascinating." The armor descended towards the epicenter of the explosion, where a lone black crystal remained amidst death and devastation. Without hesitation, I reached out and seized the crystal, its cool surface contrasting with the searing pain in my arm.

With a burst of energy, the armor propelled itself away from the decimated military base, carrying the black crystal with me. The thunderclouds continued to unleash their fury, raining down bolts of lightning, but Jarvis skillfully maneuvered us to avoid their destructive path.