Chapter 156 Playing around?!

"Autobots Assemble" Optimus Shouted as it and I quickly moved away from the place we were previously in to avoid Set from landing upon us.

Set hit the ground where we had been standing causing a dust cloud to rise up in the Air, through it all we could see was a black blur standing in the centre of it all.

The dust cloud didnt last long however as, as if some powerfull force hit it the dust instantly dissipated leaving Set Standing in the Centrr cracking its Neck with wide evil looking smile plastered on its face staring where the Decepticons and Autobots were standing..

Especially looking towards Megatron.

Cracking its neck It raised it hands and pointed towards Megatron with its smile widening "You are a very Chaotic Being" It said.

Megatron seemed to have sensed some kind of imminent danger radiating of Set so it immediately equipped its cannon blaster and shot at Set.

Set clicked its Tounge staring at the blasts that were coming towards it "Cute" it said silently as a black ball appeared on its finger tips.

The ball transformed into a thin beam that shot towards the Cannon blast and when it hit it, The Cannon Ball vanished into thin Air.

Infront of my very eyes it completely Dissapered into complete thin Air, as If that hadn't existed in the first place.

My eyes were wide as I looked towards Set, The True Danger of this being slowly begging to set in.

Set began walking towards Megatron slowly, Megatron felt a foreboding sense of danger so it tried running away but Set shot at its legs making it completely dissaper.

Megatron fel onto the floor with panic in its eyes and shouted "Decepticons Attack!"

The decepticons that were standing around looked at eachother wondering if they should listen to Megatron, Afterall Although Megatron was there leader they would want to put there life on the line for him.

That is one of the defining differences between Autobots and Decepticons.

The Autobots will without question put there life on the line for there leader because they have complete faith in there leader.

A Laser from the Air dropped onto Set catching it of Gaurd, In the Sky Starscream had somewhat recovered, Although it hadn't seen what Set had done to Megatrons attacks, It heard Megatron order them to attack.

Seeing this however the Other Decepticons gained a little bit of confidence and started attacking Set.

A plethora of Blasts rained down upon Set, while Megatron stood up and called down Starscream to take him away from the battlefield.

The Soldiers seeing the Decepticons attacking Set, AsoUnderstood that Set was bigger risk then The Deceptiocns so they also started attacking.

Large explosions began taking in the area Set stood, It was hard to make out what was happening inside, The sounds of the explosions were almost deafening.

The explosions soon came to a stop as they slowly faded away revealing a half transparent black Blob in the centre that soon faded away revealing a completely uninjured Set in the Center of it.

"Was... Was Set just... just Playing around with me?" James wondered in shock.