Chapter 168 Outlive Death

The King had said a few more words as the crowds started murmuring and pointing towards them, James looked at the kneeling Set and Osiris.

Set eyes showed anger and extreme embarrassment meanwhile Osiris was calm as if he had accepted that this was out of his power and he couldn't do anything.

Osiris extended his palms and it landed Sets shoulders as he whispered something to set.

James who was close by heard I tover the crowds murmurs.

It was simple but it conveyed gratefullnes, "Thank you for everything brother" was all osiris said.

Osiris understood that Set had stolen from these shops only to take care of Osiris, As for burning them osiris also knew that set thought that by burning it down the people would be to distracted saving the shop to stop the thief.

"We are all destined to die one day" Osiris finished speaking that last sentence and then closing his eyes.

James looked down, at Osiris him to be such a weird person.

Hearing that Set's Eyes instantly widened staring at Osiris.

Set gritted his teeth tightly with anger as he stood up with force and looked towards the crowds that were shocked at Set's Impudence.

"I am the only one did those crimes, Punishing my brother would be equivalent to punishing an innocent civilian" Set spoke with Might in his voice whitening everyone down.

James already assumed that this was over for Set, Afterall this action must have angered the King so he would decently be executed.

The crowds were all quickened as they looked at Set with shock for a few seconds.

Like James they all thought it was truly over but king behind chuckled slightly looking towards Set.

After composing himself the king stepped forward and spoke "Very well, This boy is considered Innocent" He pointed towards Osirus.

"As for you" The king said looking towards "For the crimes you have committed you will be banished from the Kingdom Of Egypt, Never to step foot on this land again" The King stated without a room for question.

Previously James had felt that the Sage Ma'at's authority was over the King due to his tone but just now the King went against what the Sage had decided.

James looked over to the citizens seeing them looking suprised at the King even the soldiers looked suprised causing James to wonder if this was the king establishing his superiority over the Sage or even Sages.

James understood that there had to be something deeper going on here but James didnt stick to that as it didnt bother him at all.

Immediately the scene changed and this times Set was getting escorted out of the kingdom by two soldiers heading towards walls made of dim Yellowstone.

There was a big wooden gate that was opened slightly and once Set who had a cloth that looked to contain things walked out the doors shut.

Leaving set to stand there for a few seconds, James looked at Sets eyes and immediately noticed how determined they became as Set started walking away from the big wall.

As set walked past James, He heard Set whisper something that caused James to have a better understanding.

"I will outlive Death" is what said causing James to look at Set begin walking through the plain desert landscape with huge mountains in the distance leaving James to wonder the next steps of the Set's Steps.