Chapter 191 Finnaly, Took long Enough

This time there was no flashy explosions no sudden Powerups No random unknown charecters suddenly appearing to help Set.

Set died plain and simple leaving behind its Black crystal.

James grabbed that crystal and watched as it emerged into his arm as a new coloured line appeared on it, That being Yellow colour.

Signifying the Chaos power of Set.

Looking into the distance the Autobots were barely alive, Most of them died only a singal one remained and that was Bumblebee who barely was alive.

James let out a empty sigh as he looked down at the key in his hands in contemplation.

The green flames piercing the key trying to understand its codes yet James understood nothing.

James atleast had the knowledge of the laws set on Totenkbraus yet couldn't manipulate it.

Yet with this key James could not even see its code.

Deciding to put the key into the chamber in his armour.

A great sense of Loss overcame him, It was hard to describe.

James not only knew but felt that the System was not there anymore, As if a part of himself had vanished.

Looking around only The Frog remained, Jamss felt like the only thing appropriate would be to kill the frog was left.

But James flet like that would leave a bad taste in his mouth so he decided to first take parts of his armour and form a cage that disrupts the frog from escaping keeping it trapped in there with minimum sun light.

Until he was strong enough to manipulate the worlds laws.

Then he would remove the power of Totenkbrau from the frog and let it roam the world as a normal frog until it eventually will get eaten up by a predator or die naturally.

James sped up his thrusters and arrived infront of Bumblebee in a few seconds.

Seeing the struggling Bumblee james flet pity for it and decided to heal it.

It took some time but soon Bumblebee was in a perfectly healthy state, James even gave Bumblee its voice back.

"So what do you want to do now, Your Friends are Gone" James asked looking at the towering Bumblee with a clam voice.

Bumblee looked towards its friends on the floor with parts missing and there life gone and flet a deep sense of loss rise up within.

It looked at James and spoke with a determined tone, "I will Follow the Instructions Of Optimus and keep on Protecting this world"