Chapter 193 Flag

James plan is to use it to make the supernatural part of the world completely come out into the public's eyes.

This will cause there plots to deviate even if it's slightly which will then end up resulting in the creation of More totenkbraus leading to James being able to absorb more totenkbraus and there unique powers that will be generated from there series with different types of power systems.

Strengthening James to much more absurd level, Currently he is not at all confident he will be able to actually kill The Flame Dragon.

This is mainly die to the different attribute of the flame Dragon, Such as it's extremely tough skin that acts like an impenetrable layer of defence.

But that was not the only reason, he now afterall had the chance to visit the Marvel Multiverse.

All James had to do was imagine a key hole infront of him insert the key and twist and and push the imagination door open and simply walk through.

This will cause James body to teleport to the Universe where his Tony died to the exact moment after his death.

In his Tony's situation would be after snapping with the infinity stones.

But James refused to use it, He still had a family here afterall.

'Maybe in the future' is all James concluded.

After this whole battle James felt like he had mentally aged by atleast a few years.

That was however Just the accumulation of mental exhaustion.

James also found the limit of The Technos power that being His own will, And mental power.

The exhaustion is what had caused him to be resting in his house for the past week after taking care of the troublesome things like meeting the Flame Dragon etc.. etc..

What James was now looking forwards to however was the 16th birthday that was coming up in a few days, Also marking the official begging of the Modern Families Plot if there is any plot still left.

James however wasnt to worried about that matter, The Modern family show is a slice of life show so each episode had it's own plot.

Yet some plots will now be changed like Alex's Plot, Afterlal Alex had the codes to the Most powerfull Ai in the world.

If Alex could not make anything of herself from that Information and continued on her set path James would dedenetly suspect there is some kind of Higher being controlling the path.

So far however that doesn't seem to be case.

Wait.. Wait... Wait, Did I just Raise a flag?