Chapter 197-200 END

Chapter 197 Thoughts

Closing his eyes he tried to shut of his ears as well but unfortunately he couldn't, He Heard a loud stomping up the stairs followed by quick steps being taken right behind the stomping who he guessed belonged to haley and Dylan.

Such Drama James thought to himself.

But then he remebered the troubles he had gone through to try and make it up to Wednesday for Ignoring her most of the time while developing and building the Armours.

A person like Wednesday doesnt really show her feelings.

She keeps it hidden locked away in a chest that stored somewhere in deep reces of her mind leaving behind only a stone cold expression.

I remebered how it had taken me a week to fully break the ice wall she had built up against him.

Only then did he finnaly start making actual progress in making it back up to her.

Sometimes during that long, Annoying and even slightly complicated process he had even questioned whether she was even worth it.

After much thought however I had decided that Wednesday was indeed Worth the troubles.

He tried to make it up to her for atleast a month where he was occasionally giving her some thoughtfull gifts going on dates and just overall talking.

I couldn't help but laugh remembering the amount of troubles I faced trying to give her a thoughtfull gift afterall he couldn't really give her a cute teddy bear with a little heart now could he.

However thinking about it now with a much clearer head,With there current relationship she would probably like that gift.

It just seems to somehow makes sense.

Thinking back to the whole year James felt slightly disappointed in himself.

It was like he was in an uncontrollable roller coaster , Events after events he didnt even get a proper minute to think about the craziness involving him.

I was also disappointed at the amount of time I spent making plans to fight the Transformers up with strategies only for all of them to he useless once he was actually out there.

It reminded him of a saying of Mike Tyson, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".

James flet that this perfectly applied to him he didnt how Batman could just sit in a cave and make plans after plans that always seemed to work.

Maybe it was batman's plot armour or maybe it was his actual experience I dont know but any batman deserved James's Applause for doing something he tried and failed in doing so masterfully.

"Jaames help me!" His thoughts were interrupted by an annoying email voice.

He felt a hand grab his shoulders and rock him back and forth.

Ofcourse if James wanted he could stop it but he chose not to.

I opened my eyes with a annoyed glint in it as I looked towards Alex rocking me back and forth.

I stared at for a few seconds to make her stop but she was insistent in giving up so could shigh and push her hand away.

"I'm not helping you screwed you pay the price for it" I stated with complete seriousness.

This was ofcourse a joke however as he was gona end up helping them clean the bottles soon anyway.

He just wanted to annoy Alex and get back some revenge for interrupting his thoughts.

Some might say he was being petty but he didnt care about that after all it was sister.

So being petty with her didnt bother him in the slightest rather he was even enjoying seeing her annoyed expression feeling a sense of satisfaction


Chapter 198 Label-Stripped


Finnaly after annoying her some more much to my entertainment I finnaly stood and decided to start helping them clean up the bottles.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Dylan had ended up outside while Hayley was throwing his stuff at him outside the window.

Ignoring the quarrelling bunch I looked towards Alex.

"Have you thought of what you want to do in the future?" I asked simply out of curiosity.

I wanted to see how much her ambitions have changed.

In the orignal she worked her and kept pushing herself to reach a successful position, I assumed she wanted to feel some sense of control around her and she figured studying hard would lead to there.

But now I had come in the middle and dropped a A piece if Technology that far surpassed the world, Jarvis.

Now I was wondering how it had affected her.

She pit on a thoughtfull expression for a few seconds before she looked towards me "I want to be a Journalist" she said.

An small smile appeared on my lips as I simply nodded at her.

In the orignal she also had a lot of pressure on her shoulders especially since she basically had no hope for her Luke and Hayley.

But now that Pressure was not there anymore Thanks to my existence.

Bow she had the freedom to freely move forwards without pressure and find what she truly enjoyed doing.

I was happy, I wanted to protect my Family, In a sense hearing Alex say this made me feel like I had accomplished that goal.

I find that I can confidently say that I have atleast protected one member of my family confidently.

Luke was not yet a troublesome child, He rather lacked pressure leading to have a bit of an aimless life ahead as he grew up.

Hayley well... I felt a head ache come on hearing the pitiful pleas of Dylan.

I decided to walk out still holding a two label-stripped Alcohol bottles in my hands.

I wanted to give Dylan some advice and on the way chick these two bottles in the trash but froze when I saw Mom and her friend whose Name I didnt bother remembering looking at me.

More specifically looking at my hands, Moms eyes displayed horror while her friends eyes were filled with shock staring at the bottles in my palms.

A awkward silence reinged for a while before her friend broke it "Maybe I should come back another time" she said.

It seemed to snap Mom out of her daze as she looked towards me angrily before a smile appeared on her face as she looked at her friend.

"Yea Maybe another time, I completely forgot that we were actually collecting these bottles we found littered and decided to safely recycle them" Mom said as he friend had a look of realization and her previous shock had dissapered.

She simply nodded and told mom she would love to come another time before getting into her car and leaving.

Mom was smiling as she waved at the car gradually going away.

I wanted to take this opportunity to get out of here under hayeleys screams of anger that started again and Dylans pleas to get out of here.

Hayley had noticed mom come so she quieted down so moms friend didnt even hear or see what they were doing.

I tried to sneak of however as if mom had some kind of a sixth sense she turned to look at me her previous warm smile no where to be seen "What exactly do you think you are doing!" Mom shouted furiously.

Looking at her I had a feeling she was unwilling to listen to my perfectly clear reasoning.


Chapter 199 Dance


A Few days has passed since then and today is the day I will be attending the school Dance with Wednesday.

I was excited about this, The plot had already basically gone to shit.

Mrs.Thornhill had conveniently "Dissapered" which obviously I didnt have a hand in which caused the school to be shut down and a Search party to be launched for her consisting mainly of teachers, Who looked for her.

This Included Principal Weems as she tried to find any piece of Information regarding her schools teacher going missing using her Abilities to the fullest yet still failing to find anything.

In the end being forced to give up and call of the search, The Case was left open with a minimum focus on it, As the Sherif could put to much effort into looking for her in full force, The whole department was already stretched thin looking for the wolf.

Another crazy News that had shaken the Sherif was that his Son had also Magically just vanished which again had nothing to do with James :)

Anyways so in the end the activities that were planned out all were delayed by a few weeks.

But focusing on the present James was heading down the stairs where hed said he would meet up with Wednesday.

Turning around the corner I looked down the staircase as I saw Wednesday standing there with a predominantly black fancy dress similar to the one I had pur hased except this dress had white outline which was different from what James had got her.

Her hair was tied up into a bun with a few strands hanging loose.

I gulped slightly as I looked at her finding to be more beutifull than that day in the wedding.

I quickly went down and met up with her wearing a matching black suit as we headed towards the ball room.

In the begging she was a tad but awkward but soon started getting warmed up as we danced.

I remeber last time at the wedding her dancing was really unique and had caught me of guard so I couldn't dance with her.

But this time I didnt miss the chance, The dance was still a bit awkward but it didnt really bother me.

There was no events like the the sprinklers turning on and running the ball as i had made sure of that so it all went rather smoothly.

At the end of the day i was back on my bed laying down on it playing with a simple key in my palms.

I wondered if should use it and go to the Marvel Univer.. Sorry, Marvel Multiverse.

I was sure that It would lead to a lot of exciting situations full of Action on top of that there was Tony's Wish as well which I didnt want to ignore.

I thought London and hard about it and finnaly kept the key inside my pocket.

I came to the same conclusion I had already vaguely came up with the last time I thought about it.

I was gonna enjoy the calm and peacefulness of this world and my relationships.

And maybe one day in the far future if i really felt that bored i would visit the Marvel Multiverse and make sure that the people in Tony's universe were okay.

In the vast Multiverse Time was honestly a Crazy thing and was to complex for me get but I knew that although a few months passed for me barely any time had passed since Tony Died.

If I were to use the key I would appear the exact moment after Tony died and his soul left on it's long adventure.


Chapter 200 End


If I were to use the key I would appear the exact moment after Tony died and his soul left on it's long adventure.

With a shrug I put away those thoughts right now I will focus solely on my "Modern Family".

I will think about it later.

Looking around at the roof of my dorm room I wondered what would my life look like in the next Decade.

What would my relationship with Wednesday be like.

Would I perhaps rule the World, Hard to say though as I currently do not have any interest in this.

What would the world look like with my efforts to expose the Supernatural side of the world.

What would my powers be like and how strong would I even be.

Would I be able to prevent the unfortunate developments that would take place for some of the members of my family.

Most Importantly would I be able to prevent Hayley from getting pregnant.

After all that is one thing I really want prevent from happening.

Honestly I wish I could just tine travel forward to find out the answers to these but I cant... Rather i dont want to.


Now Although James would not be able to find an answer to these questions right now lucky for you my dear readers I exist.

Wrote a A Being with the shape of a human being.

His body made up of a beautiful purple galaxy's flowing through his body with stars shining occasionally.

The only feature one would be able to make out was a simple black line on his face representing a simple smile.

He sat on a simple chair leaning on a simple dark brown table with a thick open book infront of him.

The smile on being wavered slightly as he turned the page he had finished writing on reaching the last page of the thick 685 book.

A sigh escaped the being as a look of loss appeared on his face, glancing towards the other Pile of thick books neatly placed on the side of the table a feeling hope, excitement and anticipation arose in his chest as he began writing on the final page.


(9 Years later)

James who is now 25 year old is sitting there listening to Jarvis reporting him on a watch as he is sitting on a train heading towards the financial district where he now works a 9-5 Job as a simple Stock broker.

His face is scrunched up as if he had just eaten a extremely sour lemon.

"Jarvis do you mind repeating what you said"

Jarvis voice resounded back the same old butler voice.

"Yes sir According to the Hospital, Hayley is 100% pregnant with twins and the Father is 100% Andy.


James held himself from realizing his anger at that moment, He was surrounded by normal people after all.

Slowly letting out his breath he switched his sitting posture and looked up.

It had to fucking Andy.

Dylan is way better than fucking Andy, James thought to himself.

Atleast Alex, Luke and Manny turned out different from there endings, James thought trying to let go of his anger.

Things happened and James had truly ended up chasing Dylan away but maybe James thought with some regret, Dylan was way better than Andy.

James even felt sort of disappointed that it was Andy and not Dylan.

James wanted to ask Jarvis to run it's own test but he didnt want to hear the same statement with even more confirmation.

James rubbed his finger over a ring on his ring finger feeling some comfort from it.

A few years ago James had proposed To Wednesday and very soon after that they had gotten married.

As for why James was going to work right now instead of owning the world well.

For years James lived a life of action due to the suprisingly large amount of Totenkbraus that rose up.

Although in the end it was more for him, His relationship with the flame Dragon finnaly reached a boiling point after a year of James killing Totenkbraus.

James Overpowered and killed the flame Dragon, Leaving no one to quiet frankly stop him anymore.

James enjoyed the feeling of being the very top of the food chain, A year after that he had even been able to manipulate the world laws.

But he felt Incredibly bored, He had also kind of gotten further from his family which caused the feeling of loneliness to arise within him.

So he went back and continued to live a normal life.

James just didnt feel that the further he was away from normalcy the more he felt lonely.

So he settled for a normal life going through the plots of modern family enjoying it well along the way.

Occasionally when the world began to start boiling up he would step in and calm the world governments down from going to straight up war.

After a few years of mostly a normal life James married Wednesday who was ofcourse in the know of James full abilities.

Soon they even had a child.

James had administered a much more enhanced version of SES project into the bodies of all his family members to make sure they dont accidently harm themself and can protect themselves.

Lily had also grown up to be a very smart young women, At times James found her to be extremely annoying however.

As a matter of Fact in the family only Lily does not know about James as she was not around at that time, Hell even Luke and manny have Blurry memories of that and dont fully remeber it.

The family had gotten together one day and decided to not let the kids know atleast until they were older when James would administer the Serum.

The Serum also did not have that drastic physical changes like it did for James.

Glancing outside the window James could see the approaching Bus stop, It would just be a few minutes to reach there but this New York type traffic was truly testing his patience.

Alex had her passions change quiet a few times all of them were away from the Technological field, This continued for years however after exploring all if those different fields Alex had returned to technology this time with passion.

James had ofcourse supported her through all of this and had also made sure her grades were always the first compared to that rival who had always ranked in the second.

James even felt bad for him one time he saw him at an open house he radiated a depressing aura and his face exuded disappointment.

So for the next few semesters James let that kid have the first place.

The next he had seen the boy, He had such an excited appearance and none of the previous depressing feeling surrounded him.

Though when James saw how Gloomy Alex was being he decided to do nothing after that and not manipulate the results deciding to let Alex handle things on her own.

Luke had became part of the National rugby team thanks to the SES Serum and had garnered quiet a lot of Fanfare in the few years he had joined with an almost excellent record.

Manny on the other hand was the opposite of Luke and had decided to start a cruise business, even when he was kind of young James had also supported him but not to much.

He wanted Manny to develop his own ability without loosing hope or relying to much on James.

Manny ofcourse didnt know this and went through a few struggling times facing the fear if truly having his business going under making him a much sharper man.

Grandpa Jay had helped alot in the beggings when manny was getting started as Jay had experience In business management.

Gloria and the rest have continued to live a normal and rather pleasant and relaxed life, without letting the events that happened to James affect them to much.

James glanced at the bus stop that they were finnaly getting close to when the watch on his hand vibrates and Jarvis voice appeared in a tiny earphone inside James Ear.

"Sir, after noticing your physical response to the result I ran another set of confirmations rounds taking account of all available DNA samples and have arrived to the conclusion Hayley is still pregnant with twins but the father is actually Dylan".

Jarvis said as I let out a little sigh of relief, Initialily James didnt want Dylan to be the father that why James used alot of methods to make Dylan less obsessed with Hayley that seemed to have worked however when he just found out that Andy had made Hayley pregnant, he felt that Dylan was a much better option compared to Andy.

Afterall Dylan in the end was a nice person and they had even becomes something like friends.

So this news kind brought him relief however he still felt angry at himslef as he had not been able to prevent Hayley from getting pregnant.

But Maybe this was for the best.

James though to himself.

With a slight chuckle he got out the bus feeling sort of refreshed.

Looking up at the towering building that was supposed to be his office James kind of chuckled as he began walking into it deciding that once his Daughter was old enough he would go to Marvel Multiverse.

Hopefully by then he would be powerfull enough to handle whatever threat the Multiverse threw at him.

One thing James had discovered was that there was no limit to how many people crossed through the door into the Multiverse.

So that meant he could take his whole family without leaving anyone behind after all the time diffrence between the two Multiverses Was extremely large.