I Hate U, I Love U

I Hate U, I Love U

- Gnash -


Arriving at Chek Lap Kok Airport, Vince took care of everything, he drove his car after all the baggage business was done. Couldn't wait to hug Ruby and spilled all the longing he had.

"You'll see, Ru. I'll keep you awake for days. Ha ha ha." Vince was amused by his perverted thoughts. Reasonable. It's been more than 3 months since he had not put his rod anywhere.

Of course, meeting people who were missed day and night was the happiest thing for someone who was in love.

Maybe Vince wouldn't have expected to be hit by a crazy love like this.

If he remembered how he was a man yesterday, long ago, who often changed women like he changed socks, he would definitely smile to himself, not expecting the time to come when he fell in love.

Did he never fall in love, then?

It hadn't happened yet.

He seemed to have never felt there was a woman who could make his heart tremble in an unbearable way. The woman he often met couldn't shake his heart, only stopped at the crotch.

Playboy? Yes.

Womanizer? Of course!

Even though many high-class women knew what a jerk Vince was when it came to romance, they still couldn't resist his charm if he already wanted a woman.

Handsome, rich, and good at flirting with a romantic attitude ... it's a very dangerous combination. It's no longer a double attack, but a triple combo destruction.

Wasn't his father, Benetton Hong, aware of how his son's 'achievements' regarded women? Of course, he knew that!

However, as a father with an only child, how could he possibly be able to rebuke his favorite child? After all, Vince was just having fun with those women, and the women weren't forced either. Both parties were consensual.

So, why should Benetton Hong chastise Vince? Let it be, he's still young. Let Vince felt the beauty of young blood before focusing on real life.

After all, according to Benetton Hong, Vince didn't physically harm the women, so why bother?

Now, Vince was on his way to Ruby's apartment. He was busy imagining what he would do to the woman he missed like crazy.

"Should I take her on a month's vacation to exotic countries?" Vince muttered to himself. His smile spread across his handsome face as he imagined he would be content to spend the days on vacation with Ruby on an exotic island, and Ruby would wear a defiant red bikini, then all they could do was make love, eat, sleep, then make love again!

Vince chuckled at his wild imagination.

When the car arrived in front of Ruby's apartment, he was surprised because there was a boxcar in front of the apartment building. Even more surprised when he saw one of Ruby's stage clothes in the pile of things inside the trunk of the car.

Vince ran upstairs to Ruby's house, hoping his bad thoughts wouldn't come true.

When he arrived at the door of Ruby's apartment, there were already many people from the moving house carrying some of Ruby's things. Most were expensive clothes.

"Vin!" Ruby gasped in surprise to find this handsome man had appeared in front of the door. Her face suddenly paled.

"What does this mean, Ru?" Vince asked with a sharp look.

Ruby looked embarrassed. She repeatedly rubbed the nape of her neck and her arms because she couldn't find the right words.

"Vin!" Ruby exclaimed because Vince had grabbed her hand, dragged her out of the apartment. "Vin, stop! Stop!"

"No! First, tell me where you're going? Where are you moving to? Why didn't you tell me?" Vince ignored Ruby's screams and managed to drag Ruby down and put her in his car.

Without saying much more, Vince drove to a hotel. Ruby frowned. She was forced to call the owner of the house moving service to ask for help delivering all her goods to the intended address.

"Vin, please don't be like this."


"Vin, we can have a good talk, right?"


"Vin, don't just sit still."


"Vin, please don't be angry and don't keep quiet like that."


"Vin, I hope you can understand my situation ...."



"Shut up! Or I'll throw the car into a ravine!" Vince shouted, making Ruby wry.

That woman was silent, let herself be taken to a famous five-star hotel. She didn't even dare to rebel when Vince's hand led her to the reception desk, and then to one of the best suites.

"Now tell me, why would you move without telling me?" Vince sat Ruby down on the sofa after they entered the room.

"I ...." Ruby fidgeted. Her tongue felt numb.

"Be blunt, Ru. I want to hear from you, don't let me find out from other people, for example … your cafe friends." Vince gave a little threat.

Ruby shook her head weakly. Did Vince have to know the truth?

"Are you going to run away, Ru? Leaving from this country?" Vince asked.

Ruby shook her head again. "No. It's not like that."

"Then? Why did you pack all your things?" Vince began to soften his voice, approached Ruby, and knelt in front of the singer.

He knew that women would be more open if given gentle treatment. Therefore, Vince restrained himself and began to be gentle with Ruby so that she wouldn't be afraid to tell him everything.

"Can you promise me that you won't be mad if I tell you the truth?" Ruby timidly looked into Vince's eyes. To her, this current Vince Hong was scary.

Vince nodded. What could this man do other than nod so that Ruby could be told an explanation quickly?

Ruby took a deep breath before she said, "I'm getting married."