I Wanna Dance With Somebody

I Wanna Dance With Somebody

- Whitney Houston -


Vince Hong was already sitting next to Feiying. Their relatives were also at their table. But there were more from the Feiying family's side than from Vince's family.

This young master of Hong was wearing a black suit with a matching tie and the collar was deliberately left not too neatly folded. This man rarely wants to look too stiff anywhere. Although he dressed sometimes casually and not according to standard, Vince's handsomeness was no doubt became the talk of women, young and old.

All the women at the party admired Benetton's flamboyant and charming son. Even when he's silent, he still looks handsome, more so when he smiles. No woman has immune to the charm of this Vince Hong.

The gossip of the women always accompanied the young master of the Hong family wherever he was. He really was like a magnet for women. Some of the socialites in Hong Kong were familiar with the figure of Vince Hong and all kinds of rumors circulating about him.

As bad as the rumors about Vince Hong were, they couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of women trying to get close to him.

Vince Hong was like a bad boy, full of an irresistible sympathetic aura.

For now, he just came into the room while holding Feiying's shy hand. The girl felt shriveled. Moreover, hundreds of curious eyes stared at her because Vince was beside her. Rumors, of course, began to be heard from throughout the vast room.

Feiying suddenly became the subject of many people's conversations. They want to know all about the origins of this girl.

"Is she Vince's new girlfriend?"

"I guess so."

"Wow, there's no chance for us, here. Ohohoho ...."

"Hey, did you forget your boyfriend, Gildan?"

"Ahh, I don't mind being Vince's secret lover."

"Eh, but why is that girl sitting at the family table?"

"Could they be engaged?"

"Oh no! I just want to taste being Vince's girlfriend! Even if for one night!"

"Maybe she is the relative of the bride and groom?"

"Ah, that's right; it must be! It's not nice for a girlfriend, if she isn't already a fiancée, to sit at a special family table."

"Yes! Yes, you are right! That means she is only a relative of the bride and groom!"

"Thank goodness ...."

"Do I look pretty?"

"Yes, you are beautiful. But I am prettier, don't worry."


Such was the buzzing buzz at the tables of young single women, although married women also secretly wished to be in Vince Hong's arms once in a while.

Vince looked around. One hand rested casually on the back of Feiying's chair. They were at a special table for the groom's family. Vince had already asked Feiying's mother for permission to bring the girl to his desk.

From time to time, Vince nodded and smiled at the guests who were glaring at him. Every smile of Vince sent a special vibration through the hearts of women who desired him so much that they were willing to become a concubine or a dark mistress.

How could the women be able to resist Vince's charm, which was too dazzling? His dashing face can be compared to famous artists on the Asian continent. His body was tall and well-proportioned, making women's imaginations run wild, wondering if they were in Vince's arms.

Rumor has it that many modeling house owners want to use Vince as their model, and they are even willing to pay a very high price because Vince is a young man who shines in that country even though he is neither an artist nor a model.

However, Vince Hong was too lazy to accept any offers in the field of modeling and entertainment. He preferred to play the role of the one in charge of the models and artists rather than being in their shoes.

There have been many rumors that Vince was dating various young artists or famous beautiful models, although sometimes they deliberately use Vince's name just to boost their careers.

Vince was unconcerned about being reported or rumored for anything. After all, it will not affect the father's large business network that extends all over the world.

Whenever Vince wanted, he just had to contact a certain party, and any model or artist would not refuse to warm Young Master Hong's bed after that.

"Feifei ...." Vince called to Feiying as he brought his face closer.

Feiying automatically brought her face closer. "Yes?"

Vince whispered in Feiying's ear, "You ... you look so lovely tonight."

The girl's face turned red from blushing. "You ... ah, you're praising too much, Young Master Hong."

"Hey ... just call me Vince. Or ... it's okay if you have a favorite nickname for me. Like I called you Feifei. How about it?"

Feiying quickly pulled back her head. She didn't know how to respond. The words from Vince touched her innocent soul. She had never received a compliment as high as Vince's, let alone one as romantic as his.

Feiying's clumsy demeanor elicited a diagonal smile from young master Hong.

The ballroom was fully occupied. Everyone had taken their seats, and the dishes had been handed out by the waiters.

Before long, the music reverberated, singing a special wedding song. Inevitably, all eyes turned to the ballroom entrance. Benetton Hong was already standing there with his new wife.

The guests stood as a way to welcome the bride and groom. Music accompanied the two of them to the aisle chairs that were beautifully designed in red and gold shades, the lucky colors for the Chinese community.

They were amazed at the very graceful bride and groom in a red dress with gold embroidery embellishments shaped like a Hong bird or a phoenix.

Vince held his breath. His chest ached, but he couldn't do anything. His thoughts immediately drifted to their intimate memories before this. He remembered Ruby's captivated look on the bed or how that woman's spoiled moan when crushed by him. Also, curves that never bore Vince to keep touching and squeezing.

Vince's Adam's apple rose and fell. His southern part was almost awake. He quickly shifted his mind to calm it again.

Vince grabbed Feiying's hand which was standing nearby. When Ruby passed them, their gazes met. Even Ruby saw Vince's grip on her niece. The newlyweds quickly turned their faces to the front.

After the bride and groom arrived at the aisle, the guests immediately sat down.

Before long, the presenter said this and that about the party and the backgrounds of the two brides. Of course, he said nice and wonderful things about them. Then the guests rose again to toast the champagne with the bride and groom on the standing platform.

After the toast, the two of them headed for a luxurious and large wedding cake. Barely struggling due to the height of the cake, Benetton and Ruby symbolically sliced their cake. Everyone applauded.

With the help of the WO, the wedding cake was cut into pieces.

Vince got the cake after Ruby's brothers and sisters got it first. He glanced meaningfully at Ruby, who refused to look at him.

After that, the meal began, accompanied by music and singers.

Benetton and Ruby enjoyed their snacks and cakes. Then the 56-year-old man intimately took his wife down from the stage to start dancing.

Shortly after that, the area in front of the stage was filled with people dancing. Vince did not waste the opportunity. He took Feiying.

In the 6th minute, Vince asked his father for permission to dance with Ruby. "May I dance with my lovely mother, Pa?" He asked politely, bowing like a gentleman to Ruby.