

- Lady Gaga -


Mae woke up early in the morning. She felt like she wanted to curse the man last night who had been hanging out with her for more than 5 hours.

Now, her beautiful little body seemed crushed, making it difficult to move, even just to get out of bed.

While she was busy cursing and imprecating Vince's barbarity in bed, her eyes focused on a piece of paper on the nightstand beside the bed.

Her weak hand grabbed the paper, and her beautiful eyes immediately widened. There was a fantastic nominal written on the precious paper. An unimaginable amount of money for a girl like Mae.

She soon forgot what the last curse she had uttered for Vince was because now she was already engrossed in kissing the check with a sparkling expression.

"I can buy a new car. Oh, no! Maybe I can buy an apartment bigger than this. Ah, no! I'd better buy a yacht! Ouuwhh ... Vince is great!"