Don't Recall

Don't Recall

- KARD -


Vince's mouth forgot to close because he heard his father mention the whereabouts of his mother, who was none other than Ruby.

Kevin Lam saw the change in the color of his best friend's face, and he touched Vince's shoulder. The Hong young man came to his senses and quickly answered the father, who was already busy calling his name on the other side because of his son's silence.

"Oh, Papa's with Mum? Okay, okay." Vince Hong struggled to sound as normal as possible. However, his heart was beating fast.

"Vin, Papa hopes you will meet us. If you are currently traveling, come back soon. Papa is waiting." His father's voice on the phone was like an echo in Vince's empty heart.

"P—Papa want to see me? Oh, umm ... well, okay, I understand." Before long, communication ended. Then, Vince Hong turned to his best friend. "Kev, turn around. We're going back to London."