Best Friend Forever

Best Friend Forever

- Bryant Oden -


Vince Hong sighed heavily. He looked down. "I'm not in the mood to eat." His voice was soft, though he could still be clearly heard by his best friend.

Kevin Lam started to rub his ass next to Vince Hong, he wasn't worried that Vince Hong would throw a tantrum like in Infernos earlier. He was sure Vince had calmed down by now. He knew his friend well. Vince will quickly cool down after spitting out his anger.

Vince Hong glanced at Kevin Lam by his side. He was already cold, and his head was not as hot as before. "Sorry, Kev."

Kevin Lam also lifted one leg on the thigh with a relaxed attitude. "Don't be so formal with me, Vin. Who am I to you, ha ha ...."

Vince Hong snorted with a smile for a moment. "I was being mean to you. I admit I was wrong and shouldn't use you as an outlet for my anger."

Kevin Lam didn't respond right away. He prefers to wait for Vince Hong, who first vomited everything in his heart.