

- SNSD (Girls' Generation) -


The three of them were already inside the Lobster Bar and Grill at Island Shangri-La Pacific Mall on level 6 (floor). The blue-dominated luxury venue was cozy, with a wide selection of chairs and table shapes.

Vince selects a long rectangular table with a long blue-gray sofa against a blue wallpapered wall, and in front of it are two wooden chairs with padded seats and backs wrapped in blue leather.

The waiter removes one chair next to Vince's.

Mrs. Carmen Lee appreciates Vince's choice of table. By choosing a long sofa chair that could sit next to her daughter, she was indicating that Vince was concerned about their comfort.

Meanwhile, Vince chose to sit in a wooden chair, facing the two women.

In the restaurant, there were various arrangements of chairs and tables, depending on the number of visitors who came with relatives or friends.