Gimme Gimme Gimme

Gimme Gimme Gimme

- ABBA -


Even though he still got a rude and unpleasant attitude from Eva Lee, it did not dampen Vince Hong's interest in being able to capture the Korean girl's heart.

In fact, Young Master Hong saw this as a challenge for him. He was even more eager to bring Eva Lee to her knees, as he had done with so many other women.

Moreover, his best friend, Kevin Lam, also often encourages him not to give up on Eva Lee. In fact, Kevin repeatedly praised Eva Lee as the right girl for Vince.

"Just imagine if you manage to marry her, Hong boy ... not only will your prestige go up by getting a good offspring, you should also know she's a well-educated girl as well. It will be good for your future. I'm sure your father will cry tears of joy for you." That's the pump from Kevin in regards to Eva Lee.

Thinking about that, Vince gets even more excited.

