Crash! Boom! Bang!

Crash! Boom! Bang!

- Roxette -



The loud sound of two large objects colliding startled everyone there. It was even more so for Vince Hong and Eva Lee.

Both of them were shocked as the car in front of them, which had been speeding fast, hit the road divider and then rolled twice in the air before finally hitting the road.

It happened so fast that it was like watching an action movie.

Eva Lee felt her knees melt into jelly from shock. It happened right in front of her eyes. They happened to be in the fast lane, and it was pretty quiet, so it was no surprise that many cars were going pretty fast.

Vince Hong quickly pulled the car to the side and got out, running towards the poor car that was billowing smoke from the front hood.

His eyes searched inside the car and found that there were two passengers, and it looked like they were both lifeless. Blood was everywhere in the car. It was horrible.