I'm In Here

I'm In Here

- Sia -


In his room, Vince Hong had already begun to lay quietly and comfortably on his large bed.

He had nothing to worry about. There was no need for him to deal with anyone unimportant, threatening to disrupt the plans he had so carefully laid out.

Young Master Hong did not like to be bothered by insignificant things. And he especially disliked being threatened. People who threatened him were only people who were ready to receive the death penalty from him.

Cruel? Perhaps.

However, he felt that this was a firm stance. He was just wiping out a person, not slaughtering an entire clan like the Triads sometimes did.

Vince Hong imagined that if Shea was still around, he wouldn't be able to get his plans with Eva Lee off the ground. All his schedules would fall apart, and he might have to say goodbye to Eva Lee.

As a result, as a man, he had to choose between Shea ... and Eva Lee. Vince Hong's heart was definitely set on Eva Lee for his future.