Break My Heart

Break My Heart

- Dua Lipa -




The word kept spinning in Vince Hong's brain. The words—or rather, suggestions—of his best friend seemed to blow away all the gray clouds in young master Hong's mind.

Even after he arrived at the mansion and contemplated in his room, he kept thinking about the word.

Engagement was a natural thing that lovers did to move to the next stage of their relationship. And it was also a commitment to each other.

On his bed, Vince Hong gave a small nod, agreeing that sometimes his best friend's advice could be the best solution when his brain was so full that he couldn't think.


The next morning, Vince Hong woke up more cheerful because he felt that the big lump in his heart had flown away. He wanted to discuss this with his father immediately.

So, after taking a shower and dressing nicely as usual, Vince walked out of the room and down the stairs with a cheerful aura. An occasional smile appeared on his face.