Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

- Jose Mari Chan -


This afternoon, Vince Hong's cell phone vibrated in his pocket at a little over 11 o'clock. He picked it up to see that the caller's name was not the person he was avoiding, but his father. There was no way Ruby would secretly use Ben Hong's cell phone just to contact him, right?

So, with that in mind, Vince Hong accepted the call. "Yes, Pa?"

"Where are you, Son?" asked Ben Hong. "Are you at the office?"

"No, Pa. I'm outside right now. Going to see Eve." Since it was the weekend, Vince Hong had the right to see his beloved.

"When you're done dropping off Eva, hurry home, okay?" Ben Hong said.

Vince Hong's heart was suddenly pounding wildly. What was going on? Why was he not feeling well at the moment? What was going on at his father's mansion? Young Master Hong could sense his father's serious tone, indicating that something was going on there.

Come on, what's going on?