The Price of Regret

The Price of Regret

- Vince Gill -


How's this? Ruby continued to struggle with her own thoughts about Fei Ying's future. On top of that, she often stared jealously at her niece's belly. There was the fetus from Vince Hong's seed. If she was a psychopathic killer, it felt like she wanted to cut open that stomach and forcefully take the fetus inside.

The fetus in Fei Ying's stomach must have been perfectly shaped like a baby since it was approaching 8 months. Many of its organs must be complete.

No! No! Get rid of your bad thoughts, Ru! Aren't you evil enough to still keep trying to seduce and dominate Vince Hong with your desires? Don't worsen your reputation by fantasizing about snatching a baby from your niece's belly, even if it's out of jealousy or whatever, Ru. Stop!

Having stopped her own crazy thoughts, Ruby sighed and told Fei Ying to rest, let her and Ben Hong thought of the best next step for Fei Ying, and found the good solution for the company.

