A Woman's Threat

A Woman's Threat

- R. Kelly -


Upon arrival in Hong Kong in the evening, Vince Hong drove mother and daughter to their penthouse in his private car waiting at the international airport.

After kissing Eva Lee goodnight, Vince Hong returned to his own penthouse.

At Eva Lee's penthouse, many large suitcases were scattered on the vestibule floor after being brought in by the building staff. They were, of course, the result of Mrs. Carmen Lee buying this and that Thai stuff to give to friends and relatives.

Who paid? Vince Hong, of course!

"Ma, don't you want to unpack?" asked the daughter as she dragged her own suitcase to her private room.

"Hghh... I'm tired. I'll do it tomorrow!" Mrs. Carmen Lee just left the suitcases scattered there, and she started to go into her own room.

Meanwhile, on Vince Hong's side, he was already at one of the nightclubs with Kevin Lam.