

- Guns N' Roses -


Seeing her future husband's calm gaze and cool words, Eva Lee nodded and slipped into his arms, seeking comfort there.

"Remember, Sweetheart... I will always be by your side. You have to be patient with everything, okay?" Vince Hong whispered those words while still hugging the girl.

"Don't leave me, Vince. Don't..." Eva Lee softly responded to her future husband's words.

"Yes, I will definitely stay by your side and never leave you." Vince Hong tightened the hug as he kissed Eva Lee's head.

"Vince... I'm scared." Eva Lee sounded almost whispery when she said that.

"I'm here, Eve. I'm right here. Don't be afraid of anything!" said Vince Hong, once again kissing his lover's head as he stroked Eva Lee's arm.