Mother, How Are You Today

Mother, How Are You Today

- Maywood -


What was originally going to be a 4 p.m. event at Vince Hong's office was moved to Eva Lee's apartment building, and it took until just after 5 p.m. for everything to be ready.

The stage, the stage lights, the mics and speakers, as well as the big screen television that would be connected from the pool area to the television in the lobby for everyone to watch.

At half past six, Eva Lee stepped out of the penthouse accompanied by Winny as her manager, Vince Hong as her future husband, Mr. Lee as her father, and an escort of Die Hard Boys.

Eva Lee's elegant and charming appearance immediately mesmerized the people who had gathered there. What had been a boisterous atmosphere was automatically silenced when she stepped onto the stage.

Accompanied by Vince Hong and her father, Eva Lee stood up and accepted the wireless mic from the sound system staff.