Set Me Free

Set Me Free

- Avenged Sevenfold -


"The jury decides... Ms. Carmen Lee... not guilty."

Everyone in the room exclaimed in shock at what the judge read out. Eva Lee was stunned; her mouth formed an O, and her eyes began to glaze over with a happy twinkle as her hand squeezed her future husband's hand even tighter.

The atmosphere was suddenly chaotic with comments from the audience, to the point where the judge had to bang his wooden gavel to get everyone to calm down and shut up. Eva Lee continued to cry tears of joy as she looked at her mother with joy.

Was it because of the petition? Were the jurors' consciences moved by the defense team's reading of the pledges? Or were the jurors moved by Eva Lee's words of defense to her mother the other day?

Don't know. What was important was that five of the jurors were unanimous in declaring Mrs. Carmen Lee not guilty because she stood up for her dignity and worth as a woman.