

- Paloma Faith -


"The Honorable Judges are entering the courtroom! Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up!" The officer called out, and everyone stood up and returned to their seats after the 5-judge team had taken their seats.

The jury in this Court of Appeal trial was no longer 7, but 9.

Vince Hong kissed Eva Lee's hand while whispering words of support. Ruby glanced at the scene with a fierce look.

If a reporter's camera had caught the moment from the front, Ruby's fierce glance would have been clear.

Then, Mrs. Carmen Lee and her entourage of lawyers entered the courtroom. Vince Hong's hand squeezed his future wife's hand even tighter.

"It's okay, Mama will be free this time too." Vince Hong whispered in his future wife's ear. Eva Lee nodded.

The trial began with the reading of the case and then proceeded to the reading of the accusations and the disclosure of the available evidence from the forensic team.