Waltz of Anomalies

Waltz of Anomalies

- Vocaloid / Nico Nico Chorus -


Hearing a passionate invitation from his future wife, how could Vince Hong not say yes? Moreover, he felt that this was the right moment for the girl to stop stressing about her mother's case.

So, tomorrow afternoon, they flew to Korea and arrived in the afternoon.

Mr. Lee took them to the Lee family home in the Gwangju area.

When the old lady Lee met her son, she burst into tears while hugging him and patting him hard on the back because she was so anxious and homesick. "You're finally home! You're finally home, my son... uhuhuhuuu..." roared Old Lady Lee as she continued to hug Mr. Lee.

" Mom, I'm sorry, I'm an unfilial son." Mr. Lee cried as well.

"Indeed! You are indeed an unfilial son! Hu hu huuu... I hate you, Hae-ya. Hu hu hu huuu..." Old Lady Lee made the whole house stare at the scene.